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Etheric Body

The etheric body is made up of the Chakras, Meridans, and the Aura.
The Chakras are the major parts because these are the areas that are responsible for the dilverment of Ki to various parts of the human body. There are a total of 7of them. I will explain them below.

The Crown Chakra this one is at the top of the head and if not enough ki is given it is almost imposible to aquire knowledge of the universe.

The Brow Chakra
This one is located on the forehead right above the eyes. Also known as the third eye. When this is blocked you are unable to use any extra powers which includes seeing Auras and energy.

The Throat Chakra
This one is located at the throat and is the house to basic communication skills such as written, oral , mental. So if blocked it is hard to communicate with those around.

The Heart Chakra
This on is located above the breast and in the center of the chest.If this is blocked it is hard to make right and just decisions and to love other. Because it controls the knowledge, love and wisdom of the body.

The Solar Plexus Chakra
This is around the naval. It is the center point for other people to manipulate the energy flow  in your body.If this part of the body is not getting enough ki others can easily steal and take your energy.

The Spleen Chakra
This is in the abdominal area and house the energy for and during interactions with others. So if Blocked it is harder to inter with others.

The Hara Chakra
This located three inches from the navel(belly button). This is the main storeage place of ki is in our bodys and if unbalanced a lot of problems will occur. This is where you will store your energy. The hara is also the center point of the body.

Chi Kung litterally translates into breathing. This section is particularly for people that already know a basis of chi kung. Don't worry if you are new. I've listed things that I think you should know. Ki would fall under this category, so for exercises in energy manipulation go to the ki sections. Chi kung helps you live longer and helps make your ki more powerful. Chi kung has also been known to cure certain ailments.
Energy Breathing
First you need to know how to breath correctly. When you inhale,inhale with your mouth close and put the top of your tongue and touch the roof of your mouth.When you exhale, exhale through your mouth and place your tongue on the bottom of your mouth.That's how you breath right. Now to the actual exercise.You can either sit or stand, which ever feels more comfortable to you. If you stand do so with you legs apart at shoulder length.If you sit do so indian style.As you breath in,breath in deep and bring energy from the earth into your body. Have it flow through your body, filling you with it's strength.As you exhale have it flow back into the earth to be recycled. Do this for about ten minutes or as long as you feel like.Note:I owe the main basis of this to  MisteryShadow.

This is different way to meditate than in the meditating section. Sit in a comfortable position. Now Start the energy breathing exercise above but this time just let the energy flow through you and into the earth. I visualize the earths energy as a green colored stream going into me and filling me with it's grace. Continue this for 10-15 minutes.If your a beginner i recommend start at 5 and when you feel comfortable with that move to 10.

Energy Manipulation Exercise
Once you've gotten down the things above you should start to practiceing controling energy. First you will make a ki ball. To make a ki ball all you need to do is get in a standing posistion. Place your hands out in front of you and cup your hands so that it looks like you are holding an invisible ball. Now start the energy breathing exercise but when you inhale bring energy up into your dan tien and whenk you exhale focus the energy to go up into your arms and out into the space between your hands. Now on your next inhale focus on the energy in between your hands and bring even more energy up into you.Now as you exhale focus that energy to the ball. Keep doing this until you think you've got the ball strong enough.Then make the ball into any shape you want. You do this by willing it to become what you want, visualize it happening and it will. Get good at this because this skill in energy manipulation will come in handy when you become more advanced.

If your not in a Martial Art I urge you to get into one. Martial Arts teach you a lot. Martial Arts are a way of life, they can lead you in a new direction. With the application of ki into martial arts I have became both a better person and fighter. If one uses Ki with martial arts it is possible to become an Elite or Ultimate fighter. This is because through the use of ki you become faster, stronger, more agile, and all around a better fighter. Below I'll list some moves in various martial arts and list some that I know and practice. These moves  are for self-defense or training, not to be used in starting fights.(Webmasters Note:
Remebering that these moves when done properly can seriously injury someone, even more so with ki so use in the right way

List of Martials I practice:

Hsing-I Kung fu

I incorperate ki into these. I am mostly taught in boxing, but I blend my own style of boxing/Hsing-I kung fu. Which I must admit is pretty good. For the Boxing part. I have learned/am learning from my father, which use to be a professional boxer and was taught very well. For Hsing-I kung fu I am taking classes for it and  it is really good, I recommend getting into hsing-i kung fu. Now Some Moves:

Get into your fighting stance, this is the most basic punch there is and should be really good even if you kick more often.Now you just punch straight put when you draw your fist back keep it up, if you let your arm go down after you punch you are left open so watch it.

Hooks are pretty simple to learn and perform. They create a good amount of damage even if blocked. Now punch like a jab but this time twist your body. This will add power to your punch.

The dreaded uppercut is a easy but powerful move. Now all you do is draw your arm back a little making the fist lower and than come back in an upward motion. Anywhere way these punches land will be effective. If you get the chance in a fight the best place is underneath the chin which will daze of make your opponent stumble.

Tips for Punching
-Punching from an angle will be very effective
-Use Ki with your punches(makes them a lot stronger up to three times as much power, maybe more)

Kicking Moves:
Kicks, in my opinion aren't very good especially high quicks,but low kicks are okay. Kicks are mainly for distracting someone.

Snap Kick
To do a snap kick you bend your knee and raise it then release it into the front of your opponent. Aim for the face and stomach for more effectiveness.

Side Kick
You do this by moveing/twisting your body and then releasing the leg to the side of your opponent. Remember bend your knee then twist and release into the side.

Front Kick
Raise your knee infront of you and then lean back a little and release your leg to the front of your opponent. Leaning back will give you a farther reach, but don't lean back to far or you can lose your balance.

Tips for Kicking
-When you kick use ki. 
-Attack the vital areas like the stomach, chin/face, dan tien(storage center for ki), other chakras.
For takedowns and holds its kind of hard to explain in words,so thats why I have none up.

Sparring is use to practice what you have learned in a fight or in a martial art with a person. There are different  kinds of sparring types or ways to do it. Theres point non-contact, point contact sparring, light contact sparring, heavy contact sparring, defensive, and others. Those are the ones that I know. I haven't actually done point sparring just regular light contact sparring. And if you think that light contact sparring is weak you certainly haven't with good people then. When ki is applied to sparring things heat up. One thing to remember a sparring match isn't a street brawl, so don't try to take off each others heads, especially if you are friends.
If you want point score and regulations for sparring and point sparring