"Business Legends" is the name of the current FedEx television advertising campaign, which premiered in October 2001. It features comic pair Steve and Joe, business colleagues who discuss various "legendary" success stories of FedEx customers. The five-spot campaign features the tagline "Don't worry. There's a FedEx for that." The campaign targets assorted small businesses, emphasizing that today's FedEx is much more than just overnight delivery.
"Bocce Ball" (International Shipping) A mom-and-pop bowling ball bag manufacturer becomes an overnight worldwide success. Steve tells Joe how FedEx helped. | |
"She Wore White" (FedEx Ground) How did a new son-in-law use FedEx Ground to become the new boss in the family business? Steve tells an unbelieving Joe the story. | |
"Hogan's Heroes" (FedEx Express) Will Joe ever focus? Steve illustrates "hob goblin" through the story of an entrepreneur who falls victim to a Hogan's Heroes marathon, then uses FedEx to successfully ship his package. | |
"Bundt Cake" (Shipping on fedex.com) Food poisoning from bundt cake at an office party led one lone sales manager to triumph over adversity. Steve tells Joe how he used fedex.com to do it. | |
"Cops" (FedEx Express Drop Boxes) Drop boxes at U.S. post offices around the country allow a woman to deliver her package without delay after her car is commandeered by police after a robbery. Steve helps Joe see that the engines of commerce are well-lubed. |
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