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Vampire the Masquerade: Survival

Welcome to the Masquerade. You are about to enter the world of vampires; a world which humans are forbidden to know. So, you are given two choices:

1. Be killed
2. Be Embraced by one of the Kindred, and join our ranks.

Which ever you decide is entirely your choice, but either way, you'll never see the daylight again.

So then, have you decided?

I don't want to die....

No way! I don't want to be a monster!



11/01/02- Site is still under heavy construction, but many things are up and running. Take a look around if you'd like.

11/02/02- The game rules are slowly being created, and the message board where posting will take place is up.

11/03/02- A character sheet for two new characters have been added under the Kindred page.

11/07/02- A page has been added so you can learn about the Other Creatures in the game.

11/08/02- Lots of new stuff has been added. Take a look around to see what's new.

11/09/02- The Backgrounds page has been completed, and several Merits and Flaws have been added but are far from finished.

11/13/02- The Merits and Flaws page has been completed.