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Where I'm Coming From

I don't really have much to say about myself. I'm just some guy living in this boring little town somewhere in Wisconsin. I'd be more specific, but I finally lost that guy who was stalking me for the last three years. Anyway, I... do fun stuff sometimes. Ok, ok, so maybe it isn't fun stuff, but sometimes it's better than doing nothing. Well, no, it really isn't, but I do it anyways.

Then again, every once and a while the stuff I do is fun. Like the time I got kicked off the trampoline and hit my head on a tree stump. Or the time we got in a hanger fight. Good times.....

Also, my new favorite phrase is "Fuck me in the Ozarks!"

Down there is a picture of my sister. Oh, yea, I'm in there somewhere too. I dont know exactly where we are, I just know it was taken last summer. Yea, summer suck. It's almost as bad as school.
