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On May 18, 2002 our Camp dedicated a Historical Marker at Appleby Methodist Church on Wire Road in Grover as part of our observance of South Carolina’s Confederate Memorial Day. Appleby Church was the mustering ground for Capt. Morgan Appleby’s Company, which later became Company C of the 24th South Carolina Infantry. This was the first S.C. Division to enlist for the duration of the War and became known as the Gallant 24th due to their bravery and devotion. State senator Glenn McConnell, Congressman David Owens, and South Carolina Division Commander Robert Roper were in attendance as well as Dorchester County Poet-Laureate Jack Smith who was kind enough to pen these words in honor of the event.

Memories of Appleby Church

In 1785 when this country was new

Parishioners gave birth to this old church too

They labored with logs, cut each board with care

Prepared them and squared them and pegged them with a prayer

They hand planed each plank for the walls and the floor

On either side of the altar they placed a front door

They came in their carriages and wagons or walked

The masters and the slaves to the old church flocked

They prayed for prosperity, for good health, and for peace

And they prayed for secession when the peace talks ceased

The church formed a company of valiant volunteers

Who fought for the South for three long years

Now stones guard the bones of those without shame

Who passed on their honor and a good family name

Through centuries of history, reconstruction and world wars

The old Appleby Church held open her doors

And God bless her descendants who with love and respect

Protect the old church from time and neglect

And when we’re all memories may God still grace

This old Wire Road with this reverent old place.

Jack Smith

Dorchester County Poet-Laureate

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