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Generals Gordon-Capers Camp #123

St. George, South Carolina

Winner of the 2003 Palmetto Level Stephen D. Lee Historical Project Award

Meetings are held the last Monday of each month next to the fire dept. and vistors are always welcome!

Next Meeting 7:00pm March 29, 2004

“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. Remember it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.”

Lieutenant General Stephen Dill Lee, CSA April 1906

Our camp was originally chartered on April 13, 1899 and rechartered October 17, 2000. We strive to follow the charge given to us by General Stephen D. Lee through book donations to our community's libraries and placing historical markers in the St. George area. We participate in two to three parades a year and have won several trophies.

Many of our member's ancestors were members of United Confederate Veterans Stephen Elliot Camp #51 and their families have been a part of the community since before the American Revolution.

E-Mail Generals Gordon-Capers Camp #123

March 19 and 20, 2004 - South Carolina Division Convention in Greenville.

To all of you asking about the photos from the Koger House Historical Marker Dedication They will be posted by January 25th. Sorry for the delay.

Please take the time to explore the links below

Most of the clip art found on this website is courtesy of Savage/Goodner Camp 1513 and The South Art Gallery

Camp #123, SCV and Related organizations

Camp #123 Officers
March 2003 Newsletter - Adobe Acrobat Reader required
24th Co. C Muster Roll
Memories of Appleby Church Video - Windows Media Player Required
Camp #123 photos
SCV Headquarters
SCV South Carolina Division
South Carolina United Daughters of the Confederacy
South Carolina Order of the Confederate Rose
South Carolina Ladies Auxiliary
*****Research Your Confederate Ancestor*****
Search for the latest Confederate News
Search Dorchester County history
Study the Battles
General John B. Gordon Biography
General Ellison Capers Biography
General States Rights Gist Biography
General Nathan Bedford Forrest Memorial
Mississippi History - Nothing to do with our camp, but a great source for Southern History
Sons Of Union Veterans Confederate Flag Resolution - Helping us honor our Confederate ancestors
Koger-Murray-Carroll Hose Historical Marker Dedication - under construction, but some photos posted

C.S.S. Hunley Information

C.S.S. Hunley Home
Hunley Crew Funeral

Goods and Leisure Activities

Radio Free Dixie

Southern Tales and Ghost Stories

Gods and Generals official website

CSA Galleries

SCV Members Save 10% on Select Firearms and Accessories!