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Unanswerable Life Questions
Ones I Stole...

Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?

Does anybody ever vanish with a trace?

How can someone draw a blank?

How can the weather be hot as Hell one day and be cold as Hell another?

How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him?

How come you press harder on the remote control when you know the battery is dead?

How deep would the ocean be if all the sponges sucked up all the water?

Why do Kamakazie pilots wear helmets?

If corn oil comes from corn... where does baby oil come from?

Why if you blow in a dogs face does he get mad at you yet when you put him in the car he sticks his head out that window?

If a mute child swears, does his mother make him wash his hands with soap?

If a turtle loses his shell is he homeless or naked?

If a cat always lands on it's feet and buttered bread always lands buttered side down what would happen if you tied buttered bread to a cat?

If a jogger runs at the speed of sound can he still hear his walkman?

If a tree falls on a mime does he make a sound?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares why is there a song about it?

What hair color do they put on a bald man's drivers license?

If the #2 pencil is so popular why is it still number 2?

If you take an Oriental person and spin him around will he become disoriented?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why is it necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?

Why is a boxing ring square?


What's the point of my mom havin a cell phone... if she never turns it on?

Why do my teachers need an answer book if they are supposed to know all the answers?? what are my parents paying them for?? slackers...

How can my brother take so much pleasure in playing with those stupid japanamation card games?? not only does he play them y'all... he plays them by himself?? maybe because he knows he'll win...

Why isn't there an end to the rainbow?? and who made that up in the first place... I mean seriously they've set us all up for a major let down

Will I really win something if I click on this monkey?

How could Disney do such a dumb thing as to take Gummi Bears off the air?? I mean com'mon... depriving kids of the best show ever to be on the air...

Is it still a black board if it's green or a chalk board if it's dry erase?? and if not they why don't we call them that?

Why in the Methodist Apostle's Creed does it say I believe in the holy Catholic church??? We're not Catholic... we're Methodist

Why is the phrase speech impediment so hard to say?

Why did God make so much pollen?

Is the devil really red? What other color could it be? Not blue bc it's not cold down there

Who came up with the name spatula??? Was the person's last name spatula??

Why if bells ring... is it called a jingle bell? I mean if it doesn't ring shouldn't it be called somethin else?

Is there grammar in sign language?

Is it possible to have a lisp in one language and not in another?? If not then what's wrong with Senora Jones?

Defensive Driving Class... it sounds like instuction on Road Rage

If lifting the pinky is proper and stickin your thumb up means good job then how did the middle finger become such a bad word?

How long does it take a giraffe to swallow? And if it wanted to could it tie it's neck in a knot?

Why is the right ear the gay ear?

Why are guys so homophobic yet the slap each other's butts when they play sports or wrestle around on the ground with other boys like God didn't intend?

When is peanut butter and jelly time?

Is there a stupider name then Bone Thugs n Harmony? (Jeff's reply "Yes Funshine")

What does the 4th dimension consist of?

Is time travel possible and if it is does that mean people from the future are here?

Are the colors I see the same as the colors you see? Are you sure?

Is the gov't watchin you?? You better be a good boy/girl...

Why do moms take pictures of children at the worst moments?

When you get in an elevator... why will the guy behind you hit push the already lit floor button? Was your push not good enough?

Why is every book we read in school about someone being oppressed or poor?? (umfundisi LOL) stupid books... can't we read somethin happy?

Why isn't the number 11 pronounced "onety one"?

Why is the alphabet in that order?

How can the universe expand if it's endless?

Is room temperature a certain temperature?
