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..:: The XWF Cameras open up outside what appears to be the emergency room entrance.  After a few moments of waiting, a man on a motorcycle pulls up. He parks the cycle and hops off, take his helmet off as well. It can now be seen that it is Michael Graves, and from the look on his face he's in complete and utter shock.  The camera follows Michael into the building and down the hall. He stops and one of the nurses recognizing him , tells him the acute care unit and the bed number.  Michael walks down the hall a bit and then turns and walks up to two huge double doors. The doors open automatically and Michael walks through, he walks quickly down the hall and finally finds the room. He walks in to see Destiny sitting up in the bed, a bandage on her head, watching the second of Ai's RPs. He smiles and walks over to her and kisses her on then sits down on the edge of the bed. ::..

..:: Michael ::..

How's my girl?

..:: Destiny ::..

Alright I guess, but that bitch Ai better not think that this is gonna stop me from taking that women's title then she's a freaking lunatic.  Telling me that she isn't worried about me, well she damn sure should be, I swear I'm tired of people looking right past me Michael, and on Anarchy I'm going to solve that problem when I win the XWF Women's Championship.

..:: Michael ::..

Calm down, your gonna get the nurse in here if you dont.

..:: Destiny ::..

 I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK! I'm sure it was that bitch that attacked me in the showers, it had to be, who else would attack me.... Well maybe Faith, but thats the only person I have a beef with. I swear Michael, its only logical that it was her, she knows she can't beat me, I mean, it had to be a fluke that she beat Faith, or luck, but her luck is gonna run out on Anarchy when i pin her ass and take that title.

..:: Michael ::..

Geeze woman, calm down, I swear you're more pissed now than when Sean called you a slut.

..:: Destiny ::..

Uhg.... I want out of this piece of shit hospital, I need to train more, plus I have Brian I need to take care of. And then there is Ai, I swear she's really wanting me to kick her ass majorly.

..:: Suddenly one of the machines beep and a nurse runs in ::..

..:: Nurse ::..

Is everything okay in here?

..:: Destiny ::..

Yes it is, now if you don't mind, GET THE HELL OUT!

..:: The Nurse gives Destiny a dirty look then walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Destiny flips her hair out of her face. ::..

..:: Destiny ::..

Have you seen Ai's Rps? I swear the girl is like a faucet, she's drippy. Saying that she's beat everyone in the women's division. And that there is not good talent in it anymore..... Just wait until Anarchy Michael, As god as my witness i'm going to show these people just what I'm capable.

..:: Just as Michael starts to speak, none other than the Universal Champion, Steve Jason walks in the door. He looks at Destiny who instantly puts on a smile. He looks at her and gives that trademark grin of his, and walks around the other side of the bed. ::..

..:: Steve Jason ::..

Hey, I saw what happened to ya, and thought I'd drop by to check on ya.

..:: Destiny ::..

Thanks Steve, that's really nice of you to do that.

..:: Steve Jason ::..

So how's the head?

..:: Destiny ::..

Hurting, but I'll get over it....

..:: Steve Jason ::..

You still planning on wrestling Thursday?

..:: Destiny ::..

Hell yes! I'm not letting some deranged psycho get the best of me. I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna prove to everyone just how good I am, and I'm gonna win that title.

..:: Steve Jason ::..

Wow, pretty strong words, but Dest.... if She can beat Faith, aren't you the least bit worried?

..:: Destiny ::..

Worried? No I'm not worried, i'm anxious to get my hands on Ai.... Because I think she's the one who poisoned us on Anarchy, I mean it does seem logical, because after she poisoned me, I lost my match because Diabolique, her friend, managed to pin Willow. So it does make her look a bit guilty Steve..... then on top of that, I think she's the one who attacked me in the showers, to keep me from competing, but It wont work.

..:: Michael ::..

Wow, full of conspiracy theory's aren't we?

..:: Destiny ::..

Shut up Michael and go check me out of this dump, I wanna take a trip to the arena, I need to cut a promo during Massacre.

..:: Michael stands up and trudges out of the room and Destiny looks back at SJ ::..

..:: Destiny ::..

So..... Where is Dougy?

..:: SJ Laughs and then flashes that signature grin again ::..

..:: Steve Jason ::..

Probably at our flat, getting drunk off of his ass.

..:: With that said Michael returns with a clip board ::..

..:: Michael ::..

You just need to sign these babe, and they'll release you, but you wont be released to wrestle until Thursday morning.

..:: Destiny ::..

Fine whatever, I just want out of here so i can give Ai a piece of my mind.

..:: Destiny signs the papers, then stands up and walks to the closet and pulls out a duffle bag. She looks up at Steve who is still standing there ::..

..:: Destiny ::..

I'm sure you'd enjoy seeing this Steve, but you have to leave while I'm changing. But feel free to stop by my apartment later if ya want. I'll be home

..:: Steve Jason ::..

Okay, well I'm out, I'm gonna go check on Dougy and make sure he hasn't trashed the place.

..:: Destiny smiles as Steve leaves, and she slips on a black skirt under her hospital gown. She takes off the gown and sits down on the bed. She pulls out her black Boots with the 5 inch chunky heels and sits them on the ground. She puts her right foot in the right one and zips it up the side, then repeats with the left one. She then stands up and puts on a pink dress shirt, that is short, hitting her right at the waist, that has a bit of frilly lace around the collar.  She then stuffs some stuff back into the bag and walks over to the mirror on the wall. She takes the bandage off her head, and puts on a smaller less visible one and brushes her hair. She then slips a pair of sunglasses on and then pushes them back on top of her head, holding her hair out of her face. She walks back over to the bag and picks it up then walks out of the room to the desk where Michael is standing talking to the doctor ::..

..:: Doctor ::..

Okay Michael? You have to make her take it easy, if not, she may end up getting worse....

..:: Destiny ::..

I'm not taking it easy for anyone..... I have a match for something that means more to me than you can ever imagine and I'm not gonna take it easy and let Ai win.

..:: Doctor ::..

You've got to, or i cant release you....

..:: Destiny ::..

You really don't want to push me on this matter doc, I'm telling you, this is not a battle you want to fight.

..:: Destiny grabs Michaels hand and looks back up to the doctor ::..

..:: Destiny ::..

This discussion is closed, now that release will be on Jonathyns desk Thursday morning, or I'll make sure you never work again.... EVER!

..:: Destiny and Michael walk off down the hall holding hands. as the scene fades........ The scene reopens at Massacre. Destiny is backstage with Michael, they are standing in front of the xwf interview area. The new interview area, has lots of shiny metal and a big XWF sign in the middle of it. Standing next to them is Steve Sayors. He looks to the camera and then back to Destiny and Michael ::..

..:: Steve Sayors ::..

We start in 10

..:: the camera crew starts to count down 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... ::..

..:: Steve Sayors ::..

This is Steve Sayors , XWF interviewer here with Destiny and Michael Graves. Destiny I think the first question on everyone's mind is how are you doing after that shot to head that we heard about just recently?

..:: Destiny ::..

Well Steve, just take a look, It's easy to see that I'm in perfect shape, So I have a bit of a bump on my head, big deal..... whoever did this definitely cant hit all that well.

..:: Steve Sayors ::..

Well, I guess the next question is, who do you think did it?

..:: Destiny ::..

Well there are two logical choices... Ai and Faith. But really, I'm leaning toward Ai seeing as how we have a match on Anarchy.  I think she's scared of me, and scared she's going to loose Steve, and in all honesty, she has every right to be because I'm going to take that title from her.

..:: Steve Sayors ::..

One more question, Its rumored that you are part of this new federation that has popped up called TCWF, Is that true?

..:: Destiny ::..

Yes it's true, I am on the roster of TCWF, but only because I wish to challenge myself. Also, I'm there because I'm Michael's girlfriend, and of course I'm going to be there.

..:: Steve Sayors ::..

Well thanks for the update, and good luck in your match on Thursday.

..:: Destiny smiles and her and Michael leave the set as the camera fades to black. ::..