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1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment, C.S. Engineer Corps Organizational Structure

The First Battalion, 2nd Regiment of the C.S. Engineer Corps provide a Valuable Addition to the Living History portrayals of the War Between the States. The Members utilize the Experience and Expertise...particular to their Area during the Period.... to perform their Duties as directed by the Battalion Commander as Directed by the Regimental Commander/Chief Engineer. The Battalion performs a Valuable Service to the Unit(s) they Support, and to the Army. The Battalion "makes it happen", and the Members lend themselves Well to the the Regiment Mission and Motto..."Engineers lead the Way! Without Engineers, the Army can't Accomplish it's Mission. When Engineers perform THEIR Mission, the Army WILL Accomplish it's Mission!"

The First Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the C.S. Engineer Corps is Composed of the Following:

Subordinate Company Organizations:

Company A
Company C
Company E
