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From the Chaplains Tent...a Monthly Contribution by our Regimental Chaplains

From Chaplain(Major) Paul Jackson, Regimental Chaplain: ****************************************************** Whenever one begins a question with “why?” he should realize that the answer must necessarily be theological, not scientific. Science can deal with the questions of “what” and “how,” sometimes even with “where” and “when,” but never with “why?” The “why” questions have to do with motives and purposes, even when dealing with natural phenomena (why does the earth rotate on its axis?” “Why do we have spiders?” Even though we can partially explain such things by secondary causes, we finally encounter a “first cause,” and then the “why?” can be answered only by God.********** The wise thing to do is simply believe that He has good reasons for everything, whether we can discern them now or not. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). ******* God the Creator“workethall things after the counsel of His own will”(Ephesians 1:11), and it is our high privilege to simply trust Him, not to question Him. On the other hand, He often asks us: “Why?” “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” Jesus asked His disciples when they thought they were in grave peril. (Matthew 8:26). “If I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?” (John 8:46) He would say to those who question His word.******************* Then to those who doubt His dDeity the apostle Paul speaking in His name, asks: “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?” (Acts 26:8). ****************** Our God is omniscient and knows what’s best. He is omnipotent, so He can do it. He is all-loving and will surely do what’s best for those who trust him. ********If you want to chat about this, or have any otherneeds a chaplain might be able to meet, give me a call at (706) 650-1492, or email me at************* Your humble and obedient servant, Major Paul Jackson, Chaplain HQ Company Commanding Cleburne's Division 2nd Regiment, C.S. Engineer Corps
