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Rules and Policies for Members of the 2nd Regiment, CS Engineer Corps

Revised at the Winter 2005 Meeting ************1. Due to the thefts (and attempted thefts) over the history of reenacting by spectators & reenactors alike, if you want to let someone borrow anything of yours for any reason, you must get it yourself.****** 2. There will be no untasteful derogatory remarks pertaining to race, creed, religion, sex, origin, etc. We are representing our ancestors.********* 3. There will be no cussing in front of ladies or children at an event. ********** 4. Everyone will practice proper etiquette (common sense manners) for the Victorian era.******* 5. Ladies will act as ladies and be treated as such at all times at events. When departing the Company/HQ area, all Ladies will be Escorted by a Male Member in Uniform, who shall be Responsible for her Safety and Well=being.******** 6. ALL participants must be willing to galvanize when required by scenario.******* 7. Unless married or related, no one of the opposite sex will stay in the same tent.******* 8. While in uniform, all men MUST remain as gentlemen and be overly courteous to every woman he comes in contact with.******** 9. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children at all times. If parent is not able to attend an event with their children, they must get someone to watch over and be responsible their children while at the event.******* 10. Young adults and children shall show respect to their elders and each other at all times.******* 11. Children under age 14 are not allowed to carry weapons on the field or in camp,but they will be allowed to reenact if their parents are reenactors, or if they in the Charge of a Company Officer Young adults 14-17 are required to have parents' consent in writing before they are allowed to reenact with the unit if their parents are not reenactors.******** 13. Anyone found to still be intoxicated from the night before will NOT be allowed to fight. Any drunk or disorderly officer/NCO can be demoted and a private can be kept from any future promotion. There will be no alcoholic beverages consumed by anyone under age 21. There will be no alcoholic beverages consumed by anyone in the Regimental HQ area. No alcoholic beverages will be consumed before or during a battle scenario.********* 14. There shall be NO Loud or Boisterous Conduct or Behavior in the Regimental HQ area at ANY Time, and in the Company areas, Quiet Time if after 9:00 PM.********* 15. This is a Regimental Family. When we set-up, everyone in their Companies pitches in until all Tentage and Flys are set up. When we are Breaking Down to depart, then Everyone in the Unit pitches in until everything is packed and loaded. ************* 16. There will be NO loading pistols or cartridges while around a camp fire or while smoking! Smoking is Restricted in the Command Tent and Fly.********* 18. Everyone carrying a weapon will be responsible for their weapon's safety at all times. Weapons and cartridge boxes will be inspected before each battle. ************ 19. Due to safety issues and weapon malfunctions in the past, all weapons used must be inspected by Company Commander or other Company officers/NCOs. ALL weapons used must be cleaned after each battle to ensure they won't rust or malfunction. There will be an inspection before and after the battle once the rifles have been cleaned.************ 20. Weapons will never be fired directly at opposing participants and must be elevated at all times.********* 21. ALL soldiers must drink plenty of water or gatorade throughout the event for safety and health reasons. If the Surgeon determines that you are not Physically to take the Field for a Battle Scenario…then their Judgment will Stand, and you will Not take the Field.********** 22. If you look like you're getting too hot at an event, you will be considered a casualty and will be escorted to a shade tree or the medical tent immediately.************ 23. In the event of an actual injury needing immediate attention during an event, either the injured person or someone going to his aide will shout the word "MEDIC" to signify his injury. The word "medic" is to be used ONLY in the case of an actual injury requiring immediate attention. When the call "MEDIC" is heard, all activity should cease and the injured party cared for.************ 24. To be an active member, you must attend at least 3 events a year (the more the better). If you are an active member, it will increase your chances of getting a promotion. ********* 25. There is a 6 month grace period for recruits to get their essentials. This includes: rifle, pants, shirt, leathers, boots & union coat. 6 months after their first event, if a recruit does not have the basic items (unless there is a good reason), we assume they don't intend to stay with us. There may be loaner items available for a while but they will eventually need to be loaned out to other incoming recruits.************* 26. NCOs will be selected by the unit commander only. Officers will be Designated by the Regimental Commander, with the Advice of the Command Staff.*********** 27. Twice a year, we will have Regimental meetings (In December and in May). At the meetings we will discuss the upcoming events, who may be able to attend them, and possible promotions. We are also open to suggestions for events and for other things. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed during a time when we don't have the meetings, we will schedule a meeting where we are at (if at an event) or we will discuss via email or telephone.*********** 28. If you have more than one pistol do not plan on using them all at the same battle. Never bring more than one pistol and one extra cylinder on the field. ************ 29. If a Scheduled Event has a Entrance Fee, then those that PRE-REGISTER by the Cut-Off Date with the Regimental HQ will have their Entrance Fee Paid by the Regimental Fund. If you pre-register, and Fail to Show without Just Cause (Ilness, Injury, Death in Family, or some other type of Emergency, then you will Owe the Regimental Fund the Entrance Fee that was paid for you.****************** 30. When there is a per-meal Charge for Commissary participation in effect, then the Member must pay the Commissary Fee by the End of the Event (preferably upon Arrival). If the Commissary Fee due is Not paid, then the Member loses the Commissary Privilege, unless this Action waived by the Company Commander with the Regimental Commander's approval. If a Member does not notify either: The Regimental SgtMajor by Phone or the HQ by e-mail to BY the CUT-OFF Date indicated in the Movement Alert, then the Member risks not being able to participate in the Commissary. Those that Pre-Register will be served first, then other thereafter.************
