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Senior Engineer's Page

My name is Major David McClellan, and I am the Senior Engineer for the 2nd Regiment, C.S. Engineer Corps. I thank you for taking time to Visit our Web Page(s), and seeking more Information about what we do. If you're considering Joining with the Regiment, but feel that Inexperience in Reenacting or in Engineering will hold you "back"...don't be Concerned. When I entered the Reenacting field, I was just an old "Air Force guy"...with NO prior Reenacting Experience. I found, just like you will, that there are fellow Reenactors who will help you "learn the ropes", and get started as a Living Historian. You will dicover that telling the True History of the Confederate Engineer Corps, and the Significant Contribution that the Members of the Corps made during the War Between the States...a Contribution that continues to manifest itself even in Present-Day Life...has it's own Personal Satisfaction. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, just drop us an e-mail! You'll be Glad you did! Thanks!
