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From the Hospital Tent...a Monthly Contribution by our Regimental Surgeon

From the Regimental Surgeon: *************************************************** As the Surgeon is on Furlough, the Webmaster will make a few Notes....... Folks, it's STILL Hot Weather time , so let's make sure we drink PLENTY of WATER (not cokes!) during the day when you at ANY Outdoors event! We don't like Heat Casualties at let's be on our toes on this one. NCOs and Company-Grade Officers are Charged with the Responsibility of making SURE that your Soldiers and Cadets drink Plenty of Water, and have FULL Canteens before taking the field, on sdtarting a Living History Demonstation. As for the sure to check yourself for Ticks! This is the time of year the little beggars like to attach themselves to a "meal" Beware!
