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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
AbOut MoI
Well hmmm..what can i say?
A Little About Me..

My name is Nathalie, I have black hair, green eyes and Im 5'5. Im luv Toronto..its my life. tara and i are hooked i swear!lol.i can do THE BEST impression of ms.swan from MADTV. i can be conceited and sarcastic. i'm extremly independent.
Muzik i luv is: Avril Lavigne,Lillix,Led Zeppelin,Linkin Park,Our Lady Peace,Nine Inch Nails,The Hollies,Ok Go, Electric Light Orchestra,Dr.Hook and Cheap Trick.
I luv to write and dance.
My bestest friends in the world are:
*TARA!>>my bestest bud ever!!we've stuck thru everything thick n thin. were city gurlz who LOVE T.
*KAIT>>another amazing person! this is my highway walker together we strive to try and keep sane out in the middle of no-wheres ville!
*HEATHER>>shopping extraviganza! oh my! we've got lotzah stuff...this is the creator of the trio...the Jr.Charlie's Angels! so us!
*Nicole>>what can i say? i'd be lost without u my toronto tour gal!lol. we have gr8e memories goin! haha "grandma!!!" my favortite cuzin in the entire world! what else to put? Ummm...
hobbies include: dance,nightclubs,tabledancing,driving,downhill skiing,clothes,shopping and goin on rollercoasters.
I luv collecting liqor bottles of any kind and candles. Starbucks coffee...mmmm..cant get enuf of it! :) I luv blading and playin tennis/badminton.
The best shows ever are That 70's Show, MAD TV, Passions, Paradise Hotel!, and Big Brother 4. And ya...wanna kno more? just ask or email me.

Posted by rebellion2/funkygirl at 11:54 AM
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