2004 : Reborn

Shackled at the ankles
Anchored with despair
Locked up in a padded room
That isn’t really there
Smothered with a blanket
Of pure insanity
Hung by a noose of lies
Shame you couldn’t see
You forged the shackles
With your own two hands
You cast you the anchor
So she couldn’t stand
Trapped her in a room
Of hopeless fantasies
Made each stitch yourself
Choked her till she couldn’t breath
Sitting in the darkness
Blind folded and gagged
Walking the tight rope
Trusting it won’t sag
Be it faith in God
Be it faith in man
It all works out the same
It’s never in your hand
Ship Wrecked in Misery
Raped, bloody
Left beaten and broken
Heart ripped from my chest
And saved like a token
A trophy; A ribbon
Like some sick fuck’s prize
That he keeps in his dresser
To remember me by
Choke on the blood
That is only my own
Tongue torn from my mouth
Lips forever sewn
He took all he wanted
He took all I had
Took my esteem, my dignity
Left me crippled real bad
Can’t run, can’t walk
Crawl through bloody puddles
Can’t scream, can’t breath
Memories misconstrued and muddled
Reaching, tearing, clawing
Just can’t hold on
In the blink of a bruised eye
Everything’s gone
All that I’ve trusted
All that I’ve known
He pulled from beneath me
From my feet I’ve been thrown
I gave all I had
But it’s never enough
They always want more
They always play rough
Can’t sail far in a ship
With your mast snapped in two
Can’t swim far
Beat black and blue
There’s a gash in the hull
In the cold waters, sinking fast
The last lifeboat he took
No way can I last
Tears lost in ocean
Cries you don’t hear
Safe from the wreckage
So far from near
Cold freezes the blood
Heart does weaken
Body numbs
Final breath taken
Lungs fill with water
Surface not found
Ship wrecked in misery
Alone I drown
Hugs and Kisses
Plucked a rose from a garden
Sang a song of time since past
Sat and chiseled ice sculptures
Of memories meant to last
Lay your head upon my breast
Close your eyes and drift away
May the current be your guide
Take you back to better days
Where love does blossom
In the most unlikely heart
And if tend to with care
Nothing can ever tear it apart
A friendship made stronger
The tighter your grip
But never take it for granted
Don’t let it slip
For a friendship forgotten
Is Cupid’s arrow that misses
And it’s only you who I wish
To smother in hugs and kisses
Another Drink to You
Feelings, emotions
Flowing like a river
Crashing against rocks
Reshaping the land
Dark storm clouds
Drench the sky
Tears of frustration
Run fast to quivering lips
Questions and doubts
Plague every crevice of the mind
Fear fills the soul
As wine fills the glass
Another late night
To play with her demons
Another Juliet
It’s time to play the game you taught
It’s time to show all that I got
To raise my fist, put up a fight
We could do this shit straight through the night
No more smiles or friendly hugs
But point blank to your chest, twenty slugs
I don’t forgive, I won’t forget
The tables turn, the bars been set
I lost before, now it’s your turn
To see exactly all that I’ve learned
To feel the pain of the twisting knife
The doubt and uncertainty sucking away your life
I was just another girl
Another chapter in your story
I’m a character on paper
You just couldn’t let be
Did you forget I’m a person
I can cry too
I feel pain
There’s more than just you
But I guess you wouldn’t notice
I suppose you forget
All I was to you
Was another Juliet
And if that torment just isn’t enough
We’ll see how you like it when I play rough
I won’t be another victim of suave Romeo
Who locked up my heart and just won’t let go
I break free of restraints holding back
Stand tall, head held high, I fight back
I’m not weak, I’ve not lost, and I won’t let you win
This fight isn’t over till you throw the towel in
Sick of you thinking I’ll roll right over
That I’ll take what I get and accept that it’s over
You walk all over me, kick me when I’m down
And expect me to walk away without a single sound
I was just another girl
Another chapter in your story
I’m a character on paper
You just couldn’t let be
Did you forget I’m a person
I can cry too
I feel pain
There’s more than just you
But I guess you wouldn’t notice
I suppose you forget
All I was to you
Was another Juliet
But I have a surprise for you, dumb fuck
I’m calling the shots now, and you’re shit out of luck
Too bad you didn’t turn away when you had the chance
Now it’s I who gets the last dance
I pick the music, and I choose the steps
They’re pooling their money, and making their bets
But we both know how this story goes
The tragic ending, everyone knows
Only this time I won’t be put to shame
Only this time when they remember my name
I’ll no longer be the nice girl who’d never hurt a fly
But the only bitch to ever make dear Romeo cry
I was just another girl
Another chapter in your story
But I broke free the chains
Crushing your reality
I’m more than a character
I cry too
I feel pain
I’m better than you
I will make you see
I won’t let you forget
Never again will I be
Just another Juliet
Can’t Forget
I yearn to forget
That which I remember
Of a brilliant new love
Born in cold December
A time, a place
That never should have been
Where feelings did blossom
Oh, how I wished it wouldn’t end
The touch of your body
Upon my cold skin
The tingling sensation
The way I would always give in
Now I sit in darkness
Oh, why can’t I love you less?
Tortured by details
I want so to cast my sails
To float away so very far
To lose myself under the stars
Forget your face, forget your name
But in the end it’s all the same
The sound of your laugh
I loved the way you’d make me smile
If only I could erase it all
My memory wouldn’t be on trial
Blackmail, assault, attempted murder
Defendant stands; the juries in
Tried, convicted and found guilty
Mesmerized by the curves of your body
That sparkle in your eyes, the smell of your cologne
Take it back! Free my soul!
Take it back! Let me go!
I sit in darkness
Wishing to love you less
Memory tortures me with details
Just let me cast my sails
I want to float away so far
To lose myself under the stars
Forget your face, forget your name
But in the end it’s all the same
I remember watching you drive away
Standing, abandoned in the middle of the street
As you grew smaller the further you got
Just as fresh as the day you swept me off my feet
Imprisoned by these memories
I claw these walls that hold me in
Suffocating, they’re closing in on me
With your face plastered all over them
I just can’t fight this any more
Throw up my hands, I give up!
Close my eyes, let your memories consume me
And though I’ve fallen, they lift me up
I sit in darkness
No way could I ever love you less
I remember every detail
It’s now time to set sail
And drift down memory lane, so far
Reminisce under all the stars
Never to forget your face, never to forget your name
In the end, all remains the same