50 Cents A Head

It was a blind passion that led me to where I am now. A thirst for blood so strong it threw me back into my primitive stage. I was a beast; an animal with no morals or conscience, with just that single word vibrating through my being, boiling my blood. Kill!
I mean not to sound as though I had no intention of such violence, for many times, in the wee hours of the night, I had meticulously planned all the different ways I could murder him. Now, thinking back to those nights, I feel there was some greater force above, watching and laughing at me. Laughing because they knew my efforts were futile. The wheels of fate had already begun turning, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.
It was a dreary winter morning when first I met that strange man. The clouds were the blackest I had ever seen. Black as the man's heart, I'm sure. It was another morning, like any other, except it wasn't. Forces bigger and stronger than any you ever could imagine were at work. Something big was on the horizon.
I was sitting with my friends that morning, telling them about Jason's latest cruel doings. His latest maneuver was worse than any of the others, for it struck the cord embedded so deep within my breast. It was the cord that called for the savage beneath my skin to burst forth, to bath itself in its victim's blood. It would be the last cord he ever struck. It would be the last note of his sensuous symphony.
I told my friends of my latest plot. I described to them the bloodiest scene I could think up. I told them every detail of the murder and all the precautions I would take. They sat there, wide eyed and their jaws to the ground. I spoke excitedly unable to control my emotions. They burst forth in a giant wave of words that formed images which crashed down upon my bewildered audience. I licked my lips, and I swear I could taste blood. Oh, how I yearned to taste his blood!
It is at this time when the Dark Man, as he will be known, approached me. At the mere sight of him my friends scurried away.
I admit, he wasn't a sight one wanted to stare at for long. He had a face that made a man's blood run cold. Any other time, and I too would have run off like a scared rabbit, but not this time, nothing could scare me. A wicked smile played across my face as the Dark Man drew near, and let me tell you what a sight he was!
He was a monster straight from the deepest pits of hell. He walked with a staggering limp, and stood hunched over, his back bent in a grotesque manner, distorting his appearance. He was not recognizable as a man, but rather a beast, beaten and broken down to nothing more than a decrepit, repulsive creature, enslaved by the every torture of life.
When finally his face came into view, I had to squint my eyes to see what laid beyond the shadows that encompassed his face, and what I saw did make my stomach churn. His face was pallid and his cheeks gaunt. His long pointed chin jutted out from his skeletal face, as did his cheek bones. He had a handsomely small nose, very symmetrical, that would have added to any other man's beauty, but instead, made the man look more hideous than ever. But it was his eyes that stole all doubt from my mind, convincing me there had never before been a Thing blessed with life, or cursed as it seemed, that was ever so horrible a sight to set your eyes upon. Those eyes! Those beautiful eyes! Black as the storm clouds above, they were! Gems of the rarest sort. I didn't not notice it then, since at the time this man meant nothing to me, but I remember a shimmer in his eye that I had written off as only the twinkle of a mad man, yet I believe now it was the gleam of a pathetic tortured soul.
The dark Man had overheard my grievances and my wish to bring the unrelenting fist of death upon the cruel Jason Keating. He spoke of a way I could extract my revenge, that was both fair and just.
I must tell you that the idea of fair frightened me some, but I had quickly convinced myself that The Dark Man simply meant that making Jason pay for all he had done would be fair.
I was to call for Jason at midnight, to the very spot where I stood that morning, and there, in the dead of the night, his debt would finally be paid in full.... with his life!
At midnight, just as he had requested, I arrived to find Jason already at the school entrance. I walked right passed Jason with barely a glance.
I paused at the threshold of the aged decaying shadow that loomed before me. I peered into the darkness and called out for The Dark Man, but there was no reply. All was quiet. I strained to hear a sound, any sound. But there was only silence. A silence that grew and grew, enveloping me, swallowing me whole. My heart raced, pounded hard in my chest. It felt as though my heart were trying to beat its way out, as though it knew something I couldn't comprehend. It feared something and attempted desperately to escape, but it couldn't. Oh how I should have allowed it to escape. I should have cut open my own chest and allowed it to leap out, to run!
Then I heard a rustling from the farthest and darkest corner. Quickly my fear evaporated and I strode confidently to where the Dark Man stood.
A black hooded cloak hid the creature among the shadows. He was only identifiable by his broken form. In his hand he held a large monstrous ax. Once again, that thirst, that yearning for blood seized control of my whole being, mind and body.
I turned to Jason, who stood only feet away. My eyes were wide, like a mad man. I licked my lips, and again I swear I could taste his blood.
Jason placed his hand upon my arm. He spoke with urgency in his voice. He insisted he needed to talk to me, but I wouldn’t listen. I was deaf to his desperate pleading.
It was then the Dark Man spoke. His thunderous voice pulsated against the bare yellowing walls. A sound so worthy of fear, I swear the dead awoke from their crypts and ran as far as their dried creaking bones could carry them.
“On this night you shall have the revenge you so desperately seek. You shall feel the over whelming power of the Executioner burn at the core of your soul. You shall taste the bitter sweet flavor of the burning liquid that gives man life!”
Thunder crashed loudly from the outside, and the whole building shook, the floor rumbled beneath my boots. Again, a wave of fear had swept over me, drowning and choking me. But it was again gone as fast as it had come.
The Dark Man spoke again, this time in a low, monotonous tone.
“You have asked me a great service, and I must deliver. But I am a fair man. It would be wrong of me to simply let you take this fellow’s life with out him ever having a chance to save his own life. My price is 50 cents a head, but I must give this man the opportunity to keep his head.” The Dark Man turned to Jason. I could see the shock in his eyes, his body tensed. “Being the fair man I am, you may contest this. You may raise the price. If so my friend here will be given the same opportunity. This will continue until one can no longer raise the stakes.”
Fair? Fair?! Was that his idea of fair? I should have guessed it, I should have known! I had been misled, all this time. Tonight would be my end, my last! He would kill me. Jason Keating would suck the life out of me in a single blow. The Dark Ma had known this, he must have. He must have known I was disgustingly poor. He had to have known that I lived in a shack with a roof that leaked, no electricity or running water, with my mother, who was always sick. There was no way he didn’t know that Jason Keating came from the richest family in town, that he lived n a mansion six stories tall with maids and servants! Yes, he had planned this. All Jason had to do was name a price above what I could pay, and that would be the end.
I felt tears well up in my eyes, for I knew what was to come. Jason would finally get what he had desired all this time. My emotions heightened. I was drowning in an over whelming sorrow. I did not want to die. I loved life. And what would become of my dear mother. She had been lying on the moist wooden floor when I had left. There had been a grossly large rat playing in her golden disheveled hair. At that moment, as I felt Death knocking on my door, I felt hat cold clammy feeling of her cheek as I had when I kissed her goodnight, that night. My heart ached. Goodbye mother. I’m so sorry I let you down. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you how much I loved you. Goodbye.
I looked up then to find Jason staring at me. We looked into each other’s eyes, both scared to death… of death… After a long moment, he shook his head. He stepped forward, fell to his knees, and placed his head upon the pile of bricks.
For a moment I was confused. I didn’t understand what had just happened. Finally it hit me. He wasn’t going to up the stakes. He wasn’t going to kill me.
The anger had begun boiling at that moment. How dare he! He was mocking me! He was laughing at me! Realization struck me upside the head. Who did he think he was to be such a noble soul, to put his head upon those bricks and await his death so gallantly? My hatred for him grew. It consumed me and again the beast within burst forth, the thirst fro blood stronger than ever.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out 50 cents. I placed the coins in the Dark Man’s bony hands. Eagerly I took the large gleaming ax from his other hand. My blood was on fire, burning, boiling, and steaming. I raised the ax high above my head. Perspiration covered my face. My heart beat furiously. My vision blurred. I brought the ax down with the force of a god.
Joy! Pure joy surged through my veins. I fell to my knees and in my uncontrollable glee I soaked my hands in his blood. I streaked the red warm liquid across my face. I licked my lips, and at last I tasted his blood. At last he had paid his dues.
It was then I noticed a paper, clutched in his hand. I tell you I have never forgotten he sinking feeling in my stomach when I read that note.
“I am very sorry for all I have done to you. I have treated you horribly, never thinking of how my cruelty may affect you. I have recently learned of your horrible situation, and of the illness that steals your health. You have never wronged me, and still I have been so unkind. I know it will be difficult for me to repay you for all I have done, but I will. I want you to live a long happy life, for that is what you deserve… to live… I have included with his letter a check. Please, don’t hesitate to take it. It is only a small percent of what I owe you, but with this you may live long enough for me to fulfill my payment. I do hope we may be friends.
Jason Keating”
Tears poured from my eyes. I unfolded the check. It was made out for one million dollars…