Wutz New

03-03-04 : Well, as you can see I've finally got my site up and working again. Much different from my last, but I like it... Hopefully I'll find the time to keep it updated and working.
So what's new in my life? For the first time in my life, so it seems, I can actually answer that question without nothing. For once things are actually going my way, mostly. Tuesday the 9th I start bartending school. You better believe I'm siked! I'll finally get my ass out of retail and moving to bigger and better things. That will last two weeks... So no partying for two weeks! :'(! Oh well, it will definately be worth it.
Last Friday night was Karen and Ernies party. That was definately fun. And Saturday was my first time at a strip club. Female of course. Now all the girls want to go to a male strip club. I don't know when that will be though, but it will definately be interesting to say the least.
Still failing with the male species, but when have I ever been successful there. I figure if I get my life on track right now, the rest will just fall into place. Lol, and if not.. I'll just worry about it later. There's too much to ponder, and doubt and question and wonder about... and lord knows men are never straight forward or honest. I guess it's a part of my life I'll have to work on later.. but now isn't the time.
03-12-04: Let's see, lots of shit going on here. Monday, Julianne and I went to a party at ASU with Karlo, Brent, Anthony and some of their other friends. It was pretty fun, we didn't stay long and the other girls were stupid.. but it wasn't bad.
Julianne and I have decided to be career Pimpettes. We're gonna play the field and the game just like the boys. We'll show em how it's really done! Lol. Julianne's mah home girl. I love her to death!!! She's mad sexay too. I'ma get her sexy ass hooked up big time... The bitch already has like... :: Counts :: Four? Five? Guys all lined up and wanting her ass.. not that I blame them ;).
I started bartending school Tuesday... it's been fun. A very interesting experience. A lot of ppl are telling me it's a waste of time and money, but I have every intent to prove them all wrong. I dont' expect this to carry me thru life, it's more of a tool to help me build my own future. I have every intent on being successful in any and everything I do. And if you disagree you can suck my neighbors big fat juicy hairy cock!..
I'll try and update pictures. I need to get Julianne's up and I need to start getting pictures of events and parties to post... Hopefully we'll start that this weekend! Cause I have no work or school! P-A-R-T-Y!!!!! Peace out for now
04-15-04: Well things are fucking awesome. I finished Bartending School on the ninth.. Go me! Lol. I've changed so much about me, I figured why stop there... let's fucking change my whole fucking life! Was almost fired at RobMay, got demoted, but you know what... who gives a fuck. My whole attitude about life has changed, it's amazing. I would never have pictured myself as I am now, but I wouldn't ever ask to change it.
Beginning of last week I straight up told everyone... Gimme one week... I'll have a new job. I don't think anyone believed me... Lol I remember the look my mom gave me... Well guess what? A smile and a flirt session later I got hooked up at Best Buy. Kiss My White Ass Bitches! Lol. I fucking rock. Yuep... Next I'll be looking for a waitressing job and I'll be all set to leave RobMay for good.
I have to give mad thanks to my girl Julianne. She's been my inspiration, my sexay cheer leader, and greatest friend. Of all people, she's the one who's had the most faith in me, and has stood by my fucking side through everything. I'd be so lost without her. I only hope that I've been as good a friend to her as she has me, because she is awesome. Just a few other ppl I'd like to give thanks to... Kenny, I know we don't talk much anymore, and I wish things were different, but you're still in my life despite the distance. Whether you know it or not, you've played a huge role in my life, and I couldn't be happier to know you. I only wish I could be there with you to comfort you and make sure you're okay always, but know I'm always thinking of you and I'd be there in a heart beat if you ever needed me to. James, we've gone thru a lot of hard times recently... and I know that I've changed in a lot of ways you don't really like much... but I want you to know I still hold you close to my heart. You're a great friend and whether you realize it or not, you're going places... Kim, there's been a distance between us, we've had our share of problems.. but we can work thru it.. We're both strong enough to overcome the toughest of situations... blockquote> 07-29-2005: A lot of time has passed since I last updated this site, even more has changed since then.