"How To Say Goodbye"
Seasons change with each passing day
Sun rises only to go away
Nothing ever stays the same
But I will always know your name
People come, and people go
Things lost, you used to know
Only constant is the variable
Once trustworthy ground, now unstable
Ask me to forget those I used to know
Ask me to stand back and watch them go
Tear my eyes from my face
Choke cries wth strings of lace
Bond my hands and break my legs
Platic bag to smother my begs
Tell me to cry no more
Leave my body on the floor
To the people in my life who've touched me and made a difference in my life. This site is dedicated to my friends. Thank you for everything you've done. I'll never forget you.

The One I'll Never Forget

Nope, I haven't forgotten you. I told you two years ago I never would, and I've held true to that. You were my first love, the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I'd be crazy if I ever tried to forget you. It's been a year and a half now since I last saw you. Yeah, I still miss you. We had a lot of great times. I'm happy we've kept in touch, your friendship means the world to me, and you know I'm here for you no matter what. Through thick and thin, whenever you need me. I'm sorry about Cella, but things will work out for you. Like I've always said, you're a great guy and you're going to find that right someone without a doubt. I've always looked up to you, I don't think I've known someone as strong as you. Thank you for your friendship, good times and just being you. I think that's what I loved most about you.. no matter what.. You were always Kenny. Much love!

Mah Home Girl!

Yes, it's mah girl, Kimberly! We've shared a lot of good times. I'll never forget that first inventory, I met the best friend I could have ever asked for. Meeting you made life at Rob May bearable. Lol!

Things I'll Never Forget
  • Inventory
  • Drinks in the park
  • Lemon Hunting
  • Dog chases
Classic Quotes
  • Why do you always cum when I'm on my knees? - Jacqueline
  • Take your pants off, I need down there! - Kimberly
  • I'm gonna break Barbie! - Evil Bitch (Aka. Laura)
  • That is DEFINATELY.... not a lemon.. =/ - Jacqueline
  • Do you honestly think that shorts not too skirt? - Kimberly (I swear to drunk I'm not god ;) )
Thank you for keeping me sane... I don't know what I'd do without you.. Much Love!
Mah Homie!

Hey! We've known eachother for almost a year now! Crazy eh? You may not work at Rob May no more, but I still got mad love for your silly ass. "I'ma cut you!" Lmao.. I'll never let you live that one down. You're an awesome friend, thank you for all the support and love you've given me over the time we've known eachother... I know I don't always make things easy, but you never gave up on me. Hope we're still as tight of friends as we are now when we're old and grey... We'll get trashed in some retirement home together, lmao.. Cause you know I'll still be the life of the party even in a wheel chair. Mad love to mah boy... I know you'll find someone one day.. very soon... And don't you forget... I'm always right ;)

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