Buh Buh The Shiaznit!

Yo! S'mah homie G-Funk! Good times, good times. I've never had someone I could talk to about anything, and feel comfortable doing so. I trust you with everything... Lol, I prolly trust you more than I trust myself! Thank you for all the long talks and all the time we've spent together... I hope for more to come. You're someone I know I can go to no matter what, who won't ever judge me or look down on me... That means a lot to me...

Mah Pimpette!

This is the sexiest, smartest, most amazing girl you will ever meet if you're lucky enough. Thankfully I was one of the lucky few who have been blessed with her presence in my life. Wow... my life has changed so much since you've been in it.. and only for the better. You've helped me find confidence in myself, and the things I do. You've taught me to live my life to its fullest and to take opportunity where ever it presents itself. I'd be lost without you. You've made things interesting and fun. I have to admit... I've enjoyed life more in the last two months than in the whole twenty years of my existence all together... I love you with all my heart, and where ever life might take us, I'll always be greatful to have you in it.