Amerikan Girl

If anyone's ever told you that life is fair, they were either lying through their teeth or had more than one illegal substance in their body painting pretty little pictures of flowers and rainbows in their head. The truth isn't so much that life isn't fair, but rather the people we interact with in our lives don't play fairly.
When I started this website, I only had a vague idea of the direction I wanted to take it. I didn't want another waste of space, or a silly website dedicated to myself. I wanted to create something beautiful, something that would help people cope with life's hardships, and help us understand eachother a little better.
This website is dedicated to every person who's ever been abused, physically or emotionally, who's ever loved someone who didn't love them back, who's been used by someone they trusted, and who's ever been abandoned in their time of need. The second portion of this site is dedicated to the people in my life who've stuck by my side, who've made a difference and helped me through everything I've been through.
Sometimes in life we can't always be strong, sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on or a hand to steady us... and for that reason I've created this website. Still only in it's prime, I hope this site to eventually grow and reach everyone who's down and alone, and who doesn't know how to ask for help.

About An Amerikan Girl
My Friends
