Irish and Ulster Related Links
General Interest:
Irish history on the web
Great site. Actually, a totally KICK ASS site. Apolitical and non-biased.
All you need to know about Gaelic Irish culture.
Ireland's Story
General overview of Ireland.
Irish Surnames
Irish surnames and family coats of arms
The McGuffin Site
Resistance-oriented site. Resistance against what, Im not exactly certain. Interesting nevertheless.
The Wild Geese today
The Irish in exile.
The Bodhran Page
If you play the bodhran (or dont know what one is) you must check out this one.
Irish Republican-related Links:
Sinn Fein's home page
Ireland's oldest political party and political wing of the IRA
Irish Northern Aid
American-based Republican "relief" organization. News on Irish POWs and great links
Republican Sinn Fein
Opposed to the peace process. Not a big fan of thier's, either.
Hunger Strike Commemoration
Great site, detailing not only the 1981 Republican Hunger Strike, but the events that lead up thru the deaths of 8 IRA and 2 INLA Volunteers, including Vol Booby Sands, MP.
Ireland's Own
Irish Republican Resistance Site.
Erie Shaor
State-side Support for the Irish Republican Socialist Movenent
IRA Info
Uhm, info on the IRA. Kinda on the academic side, but good on-site articles.
Ulster Loyalist-related Sites:
The Orange Order
Find out what's up with all that marching
The Ulster Unionist Party
Largest Unionist grouping in the North. Im not a big fan of thiers, but here's the link
Progressive Unionist Party
Political Wing of the Ulster Volunteer Force
Ulster Loyalist Information Services
Information relating to Loyalist POWs as well as general info, current events and news articles. Allied with the LVF.
Ulster Culture
Historical site of Ulster Culture.
Scots-Irish and Ulster Scots Resource
Ulster Culture worldwide.
Ulster Democratic Party
Political wing of the Ulster Defence Association.
Independence from both Ireland and the UK? Well, why the hell not?
Pride of Clarkson Flute Band
Manned by my arch-nemesis, Bill in Scotland. Supposedly a really good flute band, however.
The Cruithni
History of the Cruithni
Swansea Loyal
Yet another site by a Welsh friend of mine. Lots of good stuff to check-out.
Yorkshire Loyal
Another friend's site based in Yorkshire.
Portadown News
Probably the funniest site related to the Troubles
Cross-Community and General
Ireland's complete online service...all kinds of 'zines, news, music and more
Families Acting for Innocent Relatives
Relief and information-providing organization for the innocent victims of the Troubles. A worthy cause. Although they act as if ONLY Protestants have been negitively affected by the violence.
Website of the Royal Ulster Constabulary/ Police Service of Northern Ireland. Gentlemen, grab your doughnuts!
List of Casualties
From the CAIN site, a list of the dead and the responsible parties. Shame on you people!
NIO Offical Site
The website of the Northern Ireland Office
A Guide to Northern Ireland
A guide to Northern Ireland from the Belfast Telegraph
Political Parties
A guide to the myriad of all the political parties in Northern Ireland
Prospects For Peace
Prospects for Peace in Northern Ireland. Are there ANY???
TIME magazine's sad attempt to cover the Troubles.
Maybe I just expect too much from a multi-billion dollar international corporation. What the hell am I thinking?
The Peace Process
For what its worth, the Irish Times coverage of the now "in the absolute toilet" Peace Process.
Links Links Links!
Just about every link to everything and anything important in or about Ireland
MAIN---About Me --- Why This Site?
Irish Republican Murals--- Ulster Loyalist Murals--- Links to Ulster and Irish Stuff
I Complain A Lot! --- A History of The Irish Troubles---Alternative News Sources---Suggested Reading on Ireland and Ulster --- The "War" on Terror
Music That Doesn't Suck --- Cool Films --- Of Course, BABES!
Current Jackass
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