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Freedom an essence an emotion not a word or law. It is my right to be free not because of god not because of law but because of human body. You may ask your self how am I not free. I am an American. My country was founded on the pursuit of liberty and happiness. Well the answer to you as an American is freedom is measured not by your patriotic loyalty but the amount of dollars in your pocket. Or more so in the bank. It is the power of money that stops us from being free. And that power of the few of who hold most it to decide the fate of the others who nibble the crumbs that they drop from there plate. O brave entrepreneur u seek wealth and happiness u seek to destroy your sadness. And with your madness some may get rich but to what end. You sell what others don’t need u feed off Each others greed. We live in America the freest country in the world. Then why is it that thousands upon thousands of Americans protest a war that has no vital security interest to us and we go un heard. Unnoticed the media owned . the voice of our country is in the pockets of big business and you seem to not care. Its just how things are. Your fear is your weakness. Your weakness is the disease that cripples our species. And your lack of action intensifies with every memorizing thing they make they take you away from our reality. The reality. Our world an immense place where people die every day from injustice. And all we care about is making a buck.

we talk about drugs. They hurt our youth. The kill people. Well now they are outlawed. And now they are worth billions internationally because of this outlaw. And your children are still on them. So whats wrong? we need more cops we need more dea agents to attack the viscous drug dealers lurking through our alley ways hunting down our children and poisoning there minds. But if you believe that then you are blind. Our drug laws turn the worlds without them into industries based on our drug consumptions criminal organizations taking over small countries infiltrating ours with our own money. The war on drugs is not a war on drugs. It is a war on the people who we are protecting. It’s a war on the children of America and the children of third world countries who cant eat any food because there parents have to grow opium or coca for their local drug lord.

Our distrust in the world is coming back three folds. And they say we are free ha. They say I have the right to freedom of religion ha. They speak lies to sell you what they are selling . im not buying it no more. My goal to stop anything that they have in store. They want me to fight there war? Il give it to them. On there streets on there blocks on there steps on there children’s playgrounds. They wage war on America I wage war on them. But for now the war is knowledge. But knowledge wont be the end.

A human life is without any doubt the most sacred presence on the earth today. The life of all man is equal. Our freedom is the freedom of unity. Separated we are segregated into small pockets and these are brutally destroyed when a fascist comes around. Organized into a collective we will succeed. Organized in every aspect of our lives. We participate we decide we make things happen.

I see society not as enslavement. But an opportunity. The evil isn’t the world around it is how we treat one another. This is the true war. When every man women and child are equal and they are free the unity of the human race will propel us into the future witch is heaven on earth. The application of technology through an anarcho-comunist society would enter humans into a golden age. Through resource and common goals we can accomplish anything the human mind thinks of. Money is what is stopping us. Money and greed. Anarchism isn’t a political revolution. It is the political evolution.