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Katie's Blog (Aw00t)

Saturday, 24 April 2004

What Did I Do Wrong? Could've Sung A Different Song, You Were My Tune...
I'm such a fucking procastinator it isn't even funny :|. A lot happened last week but I never got around to writing ANY of it. Ana and I saw The Girl Next Door (we were supposed to go with two others but they couldn't) and in the end ended up wandering around the place at AMC cuz my mom wasn't there yet. And we ran out of quarters to keep calling on the payphones. And since Ana said that going into one of the stores and asking for change in quarters was dumb, she made us both buy something to get the change -.-. And just as we were drinking them (she got some nasty coffee and I had an iced cappuccino) my mom came, so we kinda wasted that money. Anyway, that was about it for last weekend, aside from us making another pointless video on my webcam :D.

And yeah. So I'm here again. I came at 9:00 last night in a decision of the moment... Ana was just like "Come over, I'm bored, entertain me." So I did. And we talked ourselves to sleep again at around 3:00. Ana woke up pretty early but I wouldn't get up, so she went to bed, and when I did finally get up it was 11:30. So I turned the chorus to Bleed Black on really loud on her stereo and jumped on her. And then we had to leave for a showing of her house at like 1:00 and I ran out the door with wet hair cuz I'd just washed it :D. So now we're back here and we're leaving after we eat to go to her new house and rake and clean (I like cleaning stuff for some reason so it's on my own free will).

Anyway, Ana just called me, so that means it's time to eat. I'll write back later if I feel like it. Maybe tonight I can get some of the site up :D... If I feel like it.

I Will Wait For You...
Current Mood: I Feel Like Ana's Sister Without Sibling Rivalry :D

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 1:46 PM EDT
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Monday, 12 April 2004

There Are No Flowers, No Not This Time, There'll Be No Angels Gracing The Lines, Just These Stark Words I Find...
My parents are such hypocrites. And I know, all teenagers complain about are their parents, but I can't help it. I fell asleep on the phone last night when Nik was playing StH on his guitar, so my dad said I couldn't stay on past 11:00... and thus I negotiated so he'd let me stay on the way I normally do (usually I get off the phone with Nik at around 1:00 or before 2:00) and he said okay. And just a few minutes ago he comes in and says "Get off the phone." I put Nik on hold so I could say that we'd already gone through this and he said I could stay on, but he got all pissed at me and said get off the phone. They could've informed me that they were gonna be really fucking hypocritical before getting all mad at me whilst I was still on the phone. :|

Whatever. I'll just give them the silent treatment for a bit tomorrow or... something. Just to display my anger. Hoobacha.

I'd Show A Smile, But I'm Too Weak, I'd Share With You Could I Only Speak, Just How Much This Hurts Me...

Current Mood: Pissed, Calming Down

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 1:30 AM EDT
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Friday, 9 April 2004

And Will You Tell All Your Friends You've Got Your Gun To My Head, This All Was Only Wishful Thinking, This All Was Only Wishful
Again, didn't write this week. I'm not that great at maintaining this daily unless something happens every day... but this week was ordinairy. I'm at Ana's again. We were supposed to wake up at 4:30 this morning to go rollerblading, but Ana said I slept right through the alarm clock and she fell back asleep. So we ended up going at like... 8:30. :| Oh well. It was freezing out anyway.
Her house is having a showing at 10:30 (they're moving June 1 and selling this house) and I get to go to see the new house with them before they take me home :D
Aaaand that's it.
Current Song: Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The 'E' (Cut From The Team)
Current Mood: Relaxed and Warm

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 10:09 AM EDT
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Saturday, 3 April 2004

You Can Stay Tonight, And Make Everything Alright, You Can Hold Me Down, And Tell Me That You're Right...
I know I haven't written in a few days, but I've been making a video for Ana. Her cat got run over last Saturday and she found out on Sunday. Poor Frodo. She was less than a year old :(.

Anyway, today I went to Ana's at around 3ish... actually first we had to go to Canadian Tire. Ana wrapped a scarf around her head like a turban thing and everyone was staring at her. Hehe.

We went rollerblading for a while and found Jon and Nik at Duncan's house (he doesn't go to our school). I kept leaving them all until we went to General Burns Park across from Frank Ryan. Ana went on the tire swing and they like swung her really high so I went up on the structure with my rollerblades and watched from a safe distance. After a bit of just moving around to different places and Jon throwing stuff at us, they all left and Nik went home for supper and I gave Jon the silent treatment and then me and Ana left :D. Nik and Jon came back to Ana's later and we watched some movie called Relic (but none of us were really watching it, just attacking eachother).

And now I'm here. And I'm gonna stop typing now. I'm still working on parts of my site. It's mostly dragon themed cuz I like dragons and stuff. Should be good once it's done.

Current Song: Matchbook Romance - Stay Tonight
Current Mood: Happy

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 10:41 PM EST
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Monday, 29 March 2004

Do You Realize That Happiness Makes You Cry? Do You Realize That Everyone You Know, Someday, Will Die...
I know what happened today left a few people confused, but Nik, I'm not mad at you. I'm really not sure what happened, either. When I try to think back to it, I can't remember a reason or anything. It's weird. But oh well.

Why does homework suck so much :| Stupid time waster. I could be out curing cancer right now BUT NO I have to do homework. Yes that's right CURING CANCER DAMNIT. So the homework got boring and now I'm here. But I've run out of things to write. Damnit. :|.

Current Song: Flaming Lips - Do You Realize (the one from the car commercial whose name I didn't know 'til Michael told me :D)
Current Mood: Blargh

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 8:58 PM EST
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Saturday, 27 March 2004

She's Got Beautiful Eyes, And Breasts Regular Size, But Without Calves And Thighs, She's Nubs.
Today was so great. Me and Ana left for Dom's at around 1:00 and got there at like 1:12 or something. When we went to the basement, we were all sitting around for a second until Dom lifted the case for Soul Calibur 2 and I grabbed it and hugged it cuz I love that game. Ana only caught a glimpse of it so she was like, "Soulibar?" and we all laughed at her. Poor foreign Ana (haha Ana). I didn't kick Dom's ass as much in it as I did the first time I played it against him, but I beat him a few times.

After a while Dom started begging Michael Tay to do some thingie that Jacob did. We all gave him whatever money we had with us (not very much) and eventually he did it. It was so great. Then I was sitting in one of the armchairs and Dom pulled it over and I fell with it. It was pretty fun so eventually everyone was getting on and having it pulled over. Then we tried fitting more than one person on but whenever that happened we got hurt (but we did it anyway :D)

Dom put on one of Michael's burnt CD's from like Grade 6 or something. There were some cRAP songs on it from the certain person who burnt it originally who added them on :|. Ana jumped on Michael piggy-back style to see if he could support her weight and he threw her off so one thing lead to another and he ended up pinned under Dom and Ana and getting a wedgie. This lead to a wedgie-fest in which Ana and Michael mostly recieved the wedgies, I ran away and let them all do so without getting any wedgies myself, and at one point jumping on Michael to allow Ana to attack him. We were all pretty tired by the end so Dom got us some Fruitopia and we sat down to drink it while Dom's grandma got us some popcorn (and chips which no one ate). Ana had to go like really shortly after and left me alone with Dom and Mike.

We decided to go on a walk to the Esso. We walked along the highway and I kept finding things to pick up, and at one point we found a cup (and not the one you drink out of either :|). We just talked about some stuff on the way there and back and we didn't get much at Esso due to little money.

Back at Dom's, we did a bunch of things so I forget what order they went in, but I remember them... There was a lot more wedgies, for one. The first time I got wedgied it wasn't hurting at all. So then the next time they managed to pin me down, Michael made sure it hurt. I think I got wedgied about three times in a row because whenever they let go I'd attack one of them again and be overpowered.

Also they went to play pool on the little fake pool table thing so I crawled underneath it and said it was Extreme Pool, with earthquakes. I'd shake the table at random times to mess them up :D Great fun. Until Dom started poking me with the pool stick and it tickled (I'm extremely ticklish) and then Michael did and then at some point they dragged me out from under the table and both started tickling me to death. Michael was tickling my feet and Dom got my ribs and Michael said something about laughing and wanting to stop because he knew I was like dying.

We started playing Mariokart on Gamecube. First me and Mike were on one team. All I did was throw the weapons but I still say Michael wouldn't have gotten very far without my weapon expertise. During a game I burped really loud (anyone who's heard would know) way and Michael almost screwed up his driving in the game :D Then we all played separately against eachother and I came in first once and then kept losing. I had a tactic of jumping on or in front of them to make them lose.

We went back to attacking eachother after and Dom twisted Michael's arm so bad that I cringed at how painful it looked. Then he did that to me :|. They tried to wedgie me again and in the process managed to be sitting on my leg while it was bent backwards AND sitting on my hair... so it was three-way pain for moi. I think after they did that I crawled back under the pool table thing and I fell asleep, because I just remember waking up to them throwing things at me.

At another time I went over and lay horizontally across one of the armchairs with my feet over one of the arms, and Michael started poking me with a pool stick. Then Dom twisted his arm again :|. We all got a bit tired at that point, cuz I was lying there in the armchair and Dom was on the couch and Michael was leaning against the backing of the armchair. I fell asleep again because when I woke up Dom had just tickled my hand. Which launched into Michael sitting on the armrest and tickling my feet again and Dom tickling me on the stomach and arms (yes even the arms tickled).

After that we started some really weird but hilarious Star Wars/Harry Potter spoof thing that just kept going. We all sat down against the wall then until Dom's grandma came down with a bowl of pasta and we all started to eat. We talked about anything and everything as we ate and then long after we were finished, until my dad came and me and Michael got ready to leave.

So I drove Michael home and my parents made fun of me (in a parently way) the whole way to Michael's and he would laugh along and when I yelled at him for agreeing and siding with them he'd laugh harder.

And now I'm here, typing, rather bored, on the phone... but I haven't been talking in the phone for like an hour because the person I'm on with is watching a movie :|. And yeah. So I'm gonna go and watch T.V. now.

Current Song: NOFX - She's Nubs
Current Mood: Bored And Happy

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 11:25 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 March 2004 11:45 PM EST
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Leaving soon
Stupid goddamn comment thingie. It won't post my reply to Michael's. I'll just say it here then. Lol, I know that was you Michael. It's okay, you smell too =D.

There. Anyway, I'm leaving soon with Ana to go to Dom Ri.'s. Michael Tay's there and I think Candice is... not sure. I'll write back at the end of today and yyyeah.

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 12:48 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 27 March 2004 11:29 PM EST
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Friday, 26 March 2004

Site updatedness to report
Actually not really. I'm just testing the blog to see if it went there. Fooled you. Hah. Anyway, I'll have the blog on the main page while I update the site and stuff. Sadly, this site was started in October 2003. How is that sad, you ask? Because I'm so lazy that I couldn't bother to start re-editing it until just now. Yep, I just left it for a few months. I'm changing some things to speed along this whole process, like in the friend shoutouts page I'm not putting in a paragraph per friend anymore, I have another idea that'll go quickler. Etc., etc.

So basically the release of this site was put off due to general incompitence. And since I felt bad (well no, not really) I'm putting the blog here to update. Huzzah. And now I'm gonna stop wasting my time typing and spending it more on doing more important things. Like being lazy.

Posted by rebellion2/katie at 9:17 PM EST
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