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BABailey's Rebel 250 Project #1

Home-made Tank Strap Page

We all consider those WARNING stickers on top the gas tank below the filler cap to be fugly eyesores - right ?

Well here's my variation on one of the solutions ...


- Black suede leather skirt - from goodwill @ $5
- Old shoestrings


- Sissors
- Plastic cup
- Straight back razor blade
- Leather punch / rivet plier tool
- Yankee ingenuity (Rebel pun intended)

Saw the tank pouch pics at Timberwolf ... noticed they said each was individually handcrafted and to allow 2 weeks production time ... decided to see what i could do before ordering one from them ... measured the length needed @ 21" x 5" ... went to goodwill with the tape measure ... lucked out and found a leather skirt that had TWO side panels of the PERFECT size (see first two pics) ... simply used the razor blade to slit the threads and open the seams - also had to continue the line and cut through the waistband (the only actual leather cutting i had to do other than the gas cap hole)... got a cup with a 3" rim - traced out the gas cap hole on the back and used sissors to cut it out (see center two pics) ... used the leather punch to punch two holes in the bottom and 4 holes in the top ... threaded the shoestrings and tied the chaps(?bib?) to the tank and frame (see lower two pics)... all done ... happy with the results so far - will see how it rides this afternoon ... not only do i save some $$ - i also get to bask in the glow of something i accomplished myself - it's not custom choppering but it is something I DID - wheeeeeee LOL ... AND - i still have the other perfectly sized panel still on the skirt as well as the much wider back and front panels

Click here to read ORIGINAL THREAD that inspired this project

i've had 3 red leather maple leafs knocking around on top my dresser junk corner for years ...
the cat recently 'discovered' them - so i had to move them and it struck me they might as well be put to use at last ... to distract from the area where gas spills has started to show on the leather strap - i glued them to the tank strap upside down in a half-assed 'flame comet' effect attempt - doesn't look like flames but also doesn't look half bad either ...

... and as for that leftover leather - some of it went to my current project ... which is adapting a graphic off the net that i liked a lot and executing it in leather - it is currently being held on with glue while i sloppily hand stitch ... sigh - it's going to take forever and i'll prolly break more than a few needles in the process ... welp - this is the practice one on the back of an old army surplus jacket that i had RIT dyed black for paintball in the past (very faded olive-grey now) ...

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