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BABailey's Rebel 250 Project Pics

Texas Trip Pics Page

Round Rock, Tx water tower

Just north of Austin on IH-35 is Round Rock, TX 'Home of the Dragons' with a big Dragon painted on the side of the water tower very visible from the highway ... the pic doesn't show it too well so i'm including a thumbnail below ...

go to Round Rock HS - Home of the Dragons
Round Rock HS - Home of the Dragons

After arriving in San Antonio I posted on the SCRC chapter message board for anyone who would want to ride during the time i was there so i could tag along on the local roads ... and angels DO answer prayers - LOL - the post got a response from a San Antonio SCRC member by the name of Pegasus who was also a teacher and thus off on spring break all week just as i was ... GREAT ... so we made plans to meet - i found out that she was also a dragon type maiden with not one but TWO dragons riding mascot on the back of her bike - better and better ... after the introductions, secret handshakes, and triple tier passwords with the decoder rings - we then rode to Bracken cafe for lunch and to plan the afternoon ride ...

Bracken Cafe

this is where i also found out my camera was messed up from the trip ...

my camera decided it was going to be on vacation too

... and i also began to find out just how nice an angel i had watching over me (all the good pics on this page came from her) - and are greatly appreciated with heart felt THANKS ...

Rebel in Texas

after eating we headed north from into the begining of the Hill Country ...

Rustic (well ok - rusty too) Texas

one thing i noticed most about riding in texas, as compared to indiana, is the absence of ice heaved pot holes that are so prevailant in the north at this time of year (late mid march) ... another thing i noticed is that most cruiser riders were either in full helmets or none at all (or a beanie) mine was the only half helmet i saw on the trip - but then i was riding during the work day when most others were working - and the bikes i saw in my immediate area near mom's home were also in very close proximity to Randolph air force base (pilot training) and thus probably required to wear a full face on base - so it's not a fair sample

we rode a very nice route on a ride in the canyon country up near canyon lake overlooking the military reserve that (i assume from the pic name) is known as the devil's backbone ...

overlook on the devil's backbone

we took a brief pit stop in Gruene at a nice biker bar with a patio right on the river ...
and i also picked up a few flyers of local area rides and events from the bulletin board
that i added to my TEXAS Rides page ...

go to TEXAS Roads Rallies and Rides resource page

rolling 'long the river

as the approach of evening began to threaten, we followed the river route back towards San Antonio ...

Pegasus on River Road

we again stopped in Bracken before parting for the night and made plans to hit a local
San Antonio bike nite at Hills & Dales the next evening ...

again my camera is fuddled

at bike nite i took a second attempt at trying to convince my camera it wasn't the one on vacation
to no avail - it still didn't want to work right ...

Pegasus at Bike Nite

i also learned that not only is she an angel and all around great lady - but she is also involved in a local texas tours venture ... so if you want to explore some of the best roads in one of the greatest states in the union and also one of the premier riding areas in the nation - give them a call ...

go to texas motorcycle tours com

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