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Senor Diablo's Lair

Monday, 9 August 2004

its the end of the world as we know it
just wanted to jump on the blog bandwagon.
george w. bush = miserable failure
john kerry = waffles

i think that im going to spend part of my afternoon practicing my piano sheet music before i go to work. have a great day.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 2:54 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 August 2004 2:56 PM EDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004

fed up
i was listening to a tokyo kosei cd today. i borrowed it from a friend. im not into the how band thing but its pretty cool anyway when mom got home she told me to turn it down. okay. it was a little loud for her taste. fine. its down. my sister was blaring her josh groban cd and mom didnt say anything to her.


i like josh groban. which is a big surprise. i was even playing the piano sheet music to "you raise me up".

life isnt fair...

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 5:58 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004

rants about rents
my parents are really getting on my nerves. i have been practicing my music pretty much all summer. i have also been working about 10 hours a week at a job. i have been helping out around the house with stuff. now they are getting on my case about responsibility. i think that im being pretty responsible. i have watched my sister when they needed someone to. now they are telling me that i should be practicing my piano sheet music more. hello! i have been practicing and the stuff you are talking about for school i havent had that long. not to mention i dont know what exactly we will be using it for in my music class. i dont want to have it all marked up or whatever.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 5:41 PM EDT
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Friday, 30 July 2004

school starts in less than a month. im pretty excited about that. i have all of the piano sheet music i need for my music class so i dont have to worry about not having anything. i wonder if we are going to do anything with guitars this year. we did a little bit last year but i didnt really learn anything.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 12:27 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 20 July 2004

why did my mom feel the need to wake me up at 8am? that was 90 minutes ago. mountain dew, i need mountain dew. one of the other pieces of piano sheet music that i need for school came. i only need one more piece and i should be set for the semester.

i was reading some blogs from other people and came across this one. it confused me. the title is a bridesmaids blog, or something like that. but it sounds like she is a bride.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 10:14 AM EDT
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Thursday, 15 July 2004

its only about a month until school starts. we bought some notebooks and stuff yesterday. mom is gonna order my manuscript paper and piano sheet music for my music class. my friends who go to public school dont have the same opportunity for classes that i have. they seem to get crowded in rooms with 30 other kids. they also have pretty lousy art and music programs.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 3:57 PM EDT
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its only about a month until school starts. we bought some notebooks and stuff yesterday. mom is gonna order my manuscript paper and piano sheet music for my music class. my friends who go to public school dont have the same opportunity for classes that i have. they seem to get crowded in rooms with 30 other kids. they also have pretty lousy art and music programs.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 3:57 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004

i completely did not have time to update yesterday. there was so muchgoing on. my mom is going crazy because school starts in about a month. i need stuff for school but just the basics like papers and pencils. she asks like the world if coming to an end. my music theory class has the stuff that is hardest to get. i have to have a notebook of staff paper, a chord wheel, and some piano sheet music of specific songs for class recitals and what not. it will be easy to get. we can just order it online.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 11:19 AM EDT
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Thursday, 8 July 2004

oh what a night
there was an awesome sort of party last night. just some people got together around a mini bonfire and chilled. it would have been some freaky peter paul and mary thing if we had a guitar. when i got home last night my dad gave me some new piano sheet music that someone from work gave him. it was some classical stuff. i think that i can add a little to it to make it more my style.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 4:29 PM EDT
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Monday, 5 July 2004

happy 4th of july ... a day late
some drama with the aunt at the family cookout yesterday but i really dont care about that anymore. but it does bring the question to mind: if a tree falls in the woods and theres noone there to hear it does it still made a sounds? whats that have to do with my aunt you ask... if shes complaining about her children not receiving piano lessons (after she supposed bought a lot of piano sheet music book) but no one is listening to her does she still make a sound?

ah i digress...

other than that i had a good 4th. my favorite cuz came over and was showing me some stuff on guitar. im a beginning guitarist and hes really good. we were playing some of my bands stuff. i think that we could really use a bassist.

Posted by rebellion2/senordiablo at 11:44 AM EDT
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