Shadows of Insanity
Yo, this is Liz and Jay's new website. We must warn ya about the crude topics,foul language, and other such innapropriate material that may appear up here. If you have a problem with it, please do yourself and Us a favor, and mull yourself into an early grave.Oh yeah, and for those nice enough to appreciate self-expression, please sign the guestbook. :) Ah, yes, ignore the flashy ad, it's not one of our links. Liz shall fix that later.
~Thanx, Jay and Liz
6/25/- "Jay's thoughts of the day" page is up. We've also linked a few people, friends and favorite pages. We added music, By Slipknot called "Wait and Bleed" Sorry but Jay threw a fit at the way I once had it set up, so now ya can't stop or pause it. It just goes on and on =D Pictures will hopefully be up soon once we both get consent from our chicas and homeboys (leave my North Carolina slang alone)and We're open to suggestions.

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