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Of Wands and Magical Cores

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This page contains basic information about wands, wand cores, woods, etc. A few are confirmed, but most are guesses based on the personalities of various characters.

"The wand chooses the wizard..."

Phoenix Feather – Very Magical.
Famous cores: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort
Possible cores: Albus Dumbledore, Godric Gryffindor

Dragon Heartstring – Hexes are a specialty of this core.
Famous cores: Hermione Granger, Viktor Krum
Possible cores: Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Salazar Slytherin, Charlie Weasley

Unicorn Tail/Hair – Best for the pure of heart.
Famous Cores: Ron Weasley (2nd), Cedric Diggory
Possible cores: Ginny Weasley, Helga Hufflepuff, Neville Longbottom

Leprechaun Hair – Somewhat temperamental to Non-Irish.
Likely cores: Seamus Finnegan

Demiguise Hair – Only the best for Transfiguration.
Likely cores: Minerva McGonagall, James Potter, Sirius Black

Hippogriff Talon – Excellent for Charm Work.
Likely cores: Filius Flitwick, Lily Evans Potter, Rowena Ravenclaw

Runespoor Fang – Best for those who deal with Dark Magic.
Likely cores: Lucius Malfoy, Salazar Slytherin
Possible cores: Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy (not sure on those two)

Hair from the Mane of a Kelpie – Superb for all spells.

Chimaera Scale – Very rare, yet very powerful.
Possible cores: Albus Dumbledore (not sure on him), Nymphadora Tonks

Ashwinder Ash – Casts the best protection charms.

* Veela Hair
Famous cores: Fleur Delacour

Oak: The tree of Zeus/Jupiter, Hercules, Thor, and various other male gods. It stands for the flash of lightning, in addition to its other aspects: Endurance, triumph, strength, power, dominion, prosperity, sacrifice, guardian, liberator. Oak is a very male wood.

Famous wands: Rubeus Hagrid

Birch: This wood has lunar influences, and is used in various cleansing rituals as well as driving out spirits of the old year. It basically stands for birth, healing, lunar workings, and protection.

Possible wands: Remus Lupin

Hazel: Known as the 'tree of wisdom' and used for detecting guilt in murder and theft cases through the 17th century. It was also used in locating water and buried treasure. Its aspects include wisdom, intelligence, inspiration, and wrath.

Possible wands: Sirius Black, Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, Rowena Ravenclaw

Alder: Also known as the 'tree of fire' for its role in battling on the front lines in the legendary 'battle of the trees. It's thought to be the wood of witches, and is thought to be a token of resurrection. Its aspects include controlling the four winds, banishing and controlling elementals, and resurrection. It's also thought to be good for making magical dyes.

Possible wands: Godric Gryffindor

Ivy and Vine: Both symbols of resurrection. Ivy was sacred to Osiris and Dionysus. Vine's aspects are faerie work, joy, exhilaration, wrath, and rebirth. Ivy's aspects are fidelity, constancy, love, and intoxication.

Famous wands: Hermione's wand is made of vinewood.
Possible wands: Cho Chang (ivy)

Yew: Sacred to Hecate in both Greece and Italy, and thought to be associated with death. Not much is known about its aspects other than its use for destruction and death.

Famous wands: Voldemort/Tom Riddle
Possible wands: Salazar Slytherin, The Bloody Baron

Rowan: Also known as the 'tree of life'. It too is associated with witches, and is sometimes called 'Mountain Ash' or 'Quickbeam'. In addition to being used by druids to summon spirits into battle, it was also used for healing and protection against various magics such as lightning.

Possible wands: Remus Lupin

Ash: Sacred to Poseidon and Woden, and called the 'father of trees'. Guardian spirits reside inside it and help absorb sickness. It's also associated with water and sea power. Aspects include seapower, karmic laws, magical potency, healing, and protection from drowning.

Famous wands: Cedric Diggory

Pine: A symbol of life and immortality, and thought to represent a spiral of flame. It is considered to be a symbol of fire and thought to be soothing to be near.

Willow: Sacred to the dark aspects of the triple moon goddess (Hecate, Circe, Hera, and Persephone). Associated with water and giving dew and moisture, as well as the moon's female aspect. It is called the 'tree of enchantment', and its aspects are moon magic, psychic energy, healing, inspiration, and fertility.

Famous wands: Lily Evans Potter, Ron Weasley (2nd)
Possible wands: Rowena Ravenclaw

Elder: Has white flowers, and is thought to be an aspect of the 'White Goddess'. Its bark and flowers are therapeutic, and it is known as the 'crucifixion tree'. Its aspects are witchcraft, banishment, magical art, and waters of life.

Possible wands: Madame Pomfrey

Hawthorn: Also known as 'Whitethorn' or 'May Witch' and seen as unlucky. Its name was translated from the Irish 'Brehon Laws', meaning 'harm'. Because of its association with the month of May, May was thought to be a bad month for marriage. The crown of thorns is thought to be made of Hawthorn, and its aspects are purification, enforced chastity, male potency, and cleansing.

Holly: Means 'holy' and has several uses such as making dye and use as an aphrodisiac. Its aspects are holiness, consecration, material gain, physical revenge, and beauty.

Famous wands: Harry Potter

White Poplar: The tree of the Autumn Equinox and old age. Heracles supposedly bound his head in triumph after killing the evil giant Cacus. Its aspects are hope, rebirth, and divinations.

Possible wands: Parvati Patil, Sybil Trelawney

Almond: Described as 'sweet and natural', and used for self-protection. Its aspects are fruitfulness and virginity.
Possible wands: Hannah Abbot

Apple: Associated with fertility, opening the doorways into Faerie, spells to do with horses or travel, illumination, enhancing any skill, love, harmony, and beauty, harvest, and magick of divine, and shamanic madness or visionary experience.

Coconut: Associated with women and fertility. Its shell represents the womb, and its milk fertility. It is supposed to bring protection from negative psychic forces.

Possible wands: Molly Weasley

Fig: Androgynous. The fruits suggest the feminine force, the leaves the masculine. It stands for balance.
Possible wands: Arthur Weasley

Mistletoe: A healer with male and female qualities. It was sacred to Freyja, and as a result the Norse did not fight near mistletoe. This brought on the custom of hanging mistletoe to promote peace. Today it's a symbol of love and purity. Aspects are love, fertility, and sexual potency.

Palm: Thought to be durable and strong because it never changes its leaves. It is thought to help in rejuvenation, and its aspects are resurrection, and the cycle and matrix of life.

Peach: This wood is a symbol of marriage and is associated with happiness, amongst other things.

Maple: A very male wood; associated with spells of sending and communication, binding, transmutations, creation, revolution, rebirth, healing, beauty, art, and abundance.

Possible wands: Gilderoy Lockhart

Elm: Connected to elves and faeries, and associated with the following: healing, fertility, gardening, rebirth, destiny, wisdom, passage from one life (or phase of life) to another, metamorphosis, endurance.

Possible wands: Nymphadora Tonks, Professor Sprout, Helga Hufflepuff

Plum: Associated with setting and dissolving boundaries in addition to enhancing skill, overcoming barriers, keep people or disturbance at bay, evoke toughness and persistence, patience, protection, and healing, especially of the blood.

Possible wands: Madame Pomfrey

Lilac: Symbolizes growth and intellectual and spiritual prosperity. It's associated with union, attraction, enhancement of sexual pleasure, intellectual pursuits, imagination, information, mental concentration, travel, illusion, detection, and divination.

Possible wands: Lavender Brown, The Gray Lady

Cedar: Symbolizes the light in the darkness, and associated with the following: preservation of sacred places, forests, and groves, dedication of sacred space for worship and magick, bringing of light out of darkness, star magick of all kinds, and summoning of helpful spirits.

Possible wands: Albus Dumbledore, Professor Sinistra, Ginny Weasley

Redwood: Associated with drawing down power from Heaven to Earth, spells of religious seeking and discipline, spells of mystical union with nature and wild animals, hunting magick, the martial arts as spiritual discipline, and spells for innovation and sudden revelation.

Possible wands: Aberforth Dumbledore

Hickory: Associated with abundance, wholeness, power, presence, command, discipline, acquisition, giving of gifts, and the finding of direction.
Possible wands: Ginny Weasley

Cherry: Associated with invocations and blessings of sacred fires, spells of finding, hunting, conflict, war, competition, sex, passion, communion with animals, unification of groups or tribes, and the amplification of magical will.
Possible wands: Sir Nicholas/Nearly Headless Nick

Beech: Once used to make writing tablets for runes. Associated with spells of information, especially seeking old wisdom; invocation of ancient guardians or Ancestors; research into old writings and the runes; magick of the Summer Solstice, culmination of desires; magick of victory.

Possible wands: Ancient Runes professor

Alder: Used in protection against others' emotions, especially bloodlust or 'warlike anger'. It's associated with protection against drowning and death; death curses and shielding against them; shielding against all ill-omens and destructive emotions; cultivation of the vision of inner and outer worlds; bridging of the above and below; preparation for conflict; shielding against unwanted intrusions from beyond.

Possible wands: Severus Snape, Susan Bones

Ebony: Said to be a popular wood for wands, but 'not for the faint of heart'. It is thought to be useful for dark moon magic and banishing, dissolving, disapparating or casting off evil or outworn influences.

Possible wands: Remus Lupin

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