my name is: aaron miller

My e-mail is: a_miller5150@hotmail.com

My AiM s/n is: kartoonisback
MSN Messenger: a_miller5150@hotmail.com

Well now you know who I am and how to get ahold of me.

I would like to state outright that I am only prejudice against people who think they are better than someone else because of their skin color, how much money they have, or which religion they follow.

I will also state that I am an atheist who thinks religion is the cause for the world's downfalls. I do not do drugs of any kind. They are for stupid people who don't have a real life. If any intelligent person would like to have a real intellectual discussion with me please e-mail me or contact me using AiM. Please no hate mail.

RANT MADE ON May 18, 2004 at 12:32 am PST. This rant is made in response to this which was sent to me about something I posted somewhere else.

Here was what was said to me:

smart person on that last post, PUNK IS FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and anyone who tries say different, well, exploited wrote the song in the early 80's, it was even dead then, and the political aspect of it, well I prefer to call them activist rather than a punk, most of the crusties and train hoppers on the street would probably relentlessly kick your ass and tax you for calling them a punk, punk has a new meaning: yuppie- fucking jamming blink 182 in your fucking SUV and drinking starbucks is fucking punk rock now, what a shame. I dont think there isnt a poser in the world, It's not like any of us were born into a sacred goth sect or some stupid shit like that, It's a sub culture that has been exploited, and will be re-exploited as soon as these fucking money hungry cunts tell you it's cool again. Look at the shit around you, Robert Smith's now has-been ass is doing gigs for saturday night live comedy shows, he's gotta pay the rent too. I woulnd't call him a sell out, I mean come on, he started this gangster shit. but I am tempted to call the fucker who's in it for the minute a poser. I prefer to call us all individuals. A lot of us are like this because we simply don't/cant/wont conform to society's standard's, we felt rejected and mis understood by the mainstream for having our own mind, and we now reject within our own!?!?, kind of funny huh? It's our nature I suppose- if it makes you feel any better, say some one called you a poser, well now you are more rejectable than they are, more fuel to feed your fodder with the rest of the world and another person to toss in the pile of people who dont understand you, they help degenerate you. they are now no better than your average jock, teacher, cop, and the rest of those who oppose you. just make sure you pick your battles with the right people. who gives a shit about any of this any way, we didnt disobey rules to follow more of them, wich one of us wrote the the fucking punk/goth bible any way? I have to CONFORM all over again to meet ANOTHER person's standards? Fuck that, get real, we arent in this for anothers welfare to begin with anyway, so ANYBODY who has some thing to say about NE not meeting their standards can fucking eat my shit, I dont give a fuck about you.

>My Response:

I resent the whole punk is dead post. Being a member of a Street Punk band which doesn't play for money and will most likely never record a Cd. We don't do it for the fashion and we really don't give a fuck about other bands. Sure we all listened to PreFabricated stuff before we got into punk. The thing is we all got into punk from different areas and met when we all ended up in this blackhole of a town where we live. To say that punk is dead makes you ignorant to the thriving underground scenes in many a place. Just because what you see on MTV and FUSE is a bunch of people who don't care about the world and aren't being oppressed for being different doesn't mean those of us who aren't in it for the money or notoriety are dead as well. So before you run your mouth about a scene you obviously don't know anything about. Shuddup and go visit your local scene. BTW the Exploited also did a song called 'Punks Not Dead'. It was a response to all the stupid fucks who said it was.

RANT MADE ON April 19, 2004 at 10:37 pm PST.

Let's see where this one goes okay? Not sure of what it's going to be about yet...was discussing some stuff with a few people online and have got some things flowing through my head. So here goes:

What's with people who will drive 150 miles to go buy a shirt over priced but, wont give a homeless person a ride five feet? Or how about someone who is a believer in something yet, knows nothing about it?

Am I really to believe that society has boiled down to a bunch of uncaring, unintelligent, snivelling parrots? Because if what I've seen around lately is any clue that's what American society is starting to become.

American press is supposed to be liberal, right? Then how come all of our Iraq footage was shot by Arabs and Europeans? All of our news reports as of late have been just the official press releases from the military. What happened to hte in your face real journalism that informed people of the atrocities performed in Vietnam? I think journalists today are just too damn afraid. They don't have the will power to make a story break like so many have in the past. They are scared of something. They are being censored. You may not see it but, I do.

Censorship is all around us. That is your life, learn to deal with it. You brought it on, now the only person to get rid of it can be you. Get off your lazy ass and finally care about yourself and your fellow American.

RANT MADE ON April 18, 2004 at 1:08 pm PST.

Society is plagued, it’s been said before… “The person is smart but the people are dumb”, conformity riddles the never ending agenda of daily life along with the violent but hushed death of free thought. The few keeping it alive are vastly outnumbered by modernized mindless zombies.

The freedom of life, the only right we are truly given, destroyed by an army of corporate advertisements and an artillery of fast food. The brainwashing of must see TV. While nuking your frozen microwave dinner… a population full of power hungry nicotine and caffeine addicts go about their worthless lies of lives, bowing unquestionably to their Microsoft gods.

The ones who ask why, the few with the will of understanding are thoughtlessly cast to the side for fear of a free mind, thinking independently on it’s own without the infectious virus of control… Money and beauty rule over all, greed and violence reign in the almighty ‘Power Struggle’ shortly thereafter... in the end, the peace of mind that few possess will be the only peace left.

RANT MADE ON April 11, 2004 at 11:19 pm PST.

Okay, this rant is on the dividedness amongst the punks.

Okay...what the fuck is wrong with you guys? Do we not have the same cause? Do we not want to get rid of the smae guy? Is he not our enemy?

Punks as a group need to pull our heads out of our asses and stop thinking about which band is a sell out or which members of our crews are posers and get together for a cause. We spend so much time talking about doing htings but, never doing them that it's pathetic. It almost makes me embarrassed to be affiliated with a group of people who care so much but, do so little.

I'm guilty of it just like the rest of you but, I've decided to stop pointing fucking fingers and do something about something. I'm sick of no one doing anything. FUCK! I'm even repeating myself here. I'm done for now. Will post more later. Until then go to: TrueChristian.com to get reacquainted with one of our oldest enemies....the bible humpers.

RANT MADE ON January 26, 2004 at 10:49 pm PST.

Okay. Haven't been around in a long while. I'm back...

Rant today is going to be on George W. Bush.

I hate the fucker because A)he's a traitor B)he's a deserter C)he's a liar and D)he doesn't care about anyone but, himself and his rich oil tycoon buddies.

How many lives have to be wasted before we realize that this war is based on lies and shouldn't be happening?

I'm guessing a couple thousand because we've already reached 500 casualties and the American people are still supporting it one hundred percent.

Back to ol' Dubya, how can we let a man who has been rich since the day he was born run our country?

I'll leave it at that...I love ending things with a question...

RANT MADE ON September 24, 2003 at 10:42 pm PST.
Hey it's me. Long time no see. Well anyways enough with the small talk, let's get down to business. I'm going to share my beliefs on posers. Yes, I spell it poser not poseur(cuz poseur just seems like the poser way to spell it).

Every group has them. Whether it's preps, stoners, goths or hicks. Yes, believe it or not even us punks have them as well. They are the scourge of any group. They pretend to be a certain way when in truth they are completely different.

Okay now let's focus on the posers who claim to be from the punk group. They all wear a uniform. It consists of pop-punk bandshirts, Dickies pants, and the ever famous Chuck Taylor style Converse. They claim that pop-punk bands like Good Charlotte and Simple Plan are hardcore. They dye their hair and try and wear as many spikes as possible and they can afford the spikes because their mommy and daddy are rich. They are the kind of people that instead of making their clothes like 'real' punks do, they just go to Hot Topic or the local Merch(merchandise) shop and buy things from bands they've never even heard of. They buy t-shirts and other merch from hardcore punk bands such as; NOFX or THE MISFITS, but when called out by a fan of that band they can't even name 3 songs.

The worst has to be when a prep decides that they are going to become punk over night. I mean one day they'll be wearing their Abercrombie and Fisch and the next they'll be wearing Dickies and Connies(Converse). They then try and claim they were punk all along and that you don't know what you are talking about. Their worst mistake by far is that when they try and be punk they still hang out with their preppy friends and act super conceited towards they 'real' punks.

Worst of all is that they don't understand that being a punk isn't about the clothes or the hairstyles it's about being aware of the times and knowing what's up in the world, and especially not just going along with the norm because everyone else is doing it. BEING A PUNK IS ABOUT BEING AN INDIVIDUAL THAT STANDS FOR WHAT THYE BELIEVE IN AND ISN'T AFRAID TO SHARE THEIR OPINION WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!!

Rant Made On August 14, 2003 at 11:29 pm PST.
Hey sorry about the lack of rants. I never said I was going to update everyday or nuttin like that. I still feel bad about not giving you any rants. I really am sorry. NOT!?!?!

Alright, seriously now, I'm going to rant about people's lack of respect. You know respect for eachother, their elders, their environment, their town, and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten.

I know you're probably the last person to be talking about respect but, actually I have a great deal of it. I can get disrespectful and cocky but I usually try not to be.

People who walk around just talking shit about everything have no respect or at least don't show it. These people deserve to get hit with a stick. They need to realize that if you just give some respect and give someone the time of day you're life will become easier.

If want an example try talking to the elderly. If you talk to an old man or woman and let them tell you their whole life story and act interested(you should be most of the stories are interesting) they'll hook you up later on. It's all about exploiting the system. Some of the elderly in my town allow people to skate and rest at their homes. They do this because we respect them and they espect us.

Well, I have other engagements so I must let you go.

Rant Made On July 23, 2003 at 11:45 pm PST.
Well, I covered religion so I should cover politics. But fuck that this is my rant page and Im going to rant about....PREPS.


I personally can't stand people like this. They make themselves seem so much better than everyone who isn't rich and popular. They think you must be crazy to not love the government or to not have a religion. They will taunt you and make fun of you in front of their friends to make themselves seem cooloer. When, in actuality, they just make themselves look like baboons in front of the more mature people around them. They don't take the time to try and understand why you feel the way you do. They just spend their time thinking the world is peachy even though our country is at war with Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time. They think that just because someone says it's the 'right way' then that is the road they must choose. They walk through school with blindfolds on. They do not see the 'real' reality. They just see the honky-dory way of life that their friends and them share. If they would open their eyes they would see that they are not cute, that no matter how 'popular' they are in high school it won't help their future, and that not everyone has to have their opinion or share their exact beliefs. MOST OF ALL THEY NEED TO REALIZE THAT THEY AREN'T ALONE IN THE WORLD!!

Rant Made On July 23, 2003 at 5:05 am PST.

Anyways, my first subject is the absurdity of religion. Not just the Jews, Christians, and Muslims but, everyone else as well such as the Wicca, Buddhists and other Polytheistic religions. Why must each religion deny that the other could be true? Is it not possible that if there is a Heaven as stated in the Holy Bible and Quar'an then, that other religions might just be manifesting that heaven in their own beliefs. If there is a heaven how can 'the people of the books'(jews, christians and muslims) say that there heaven is the only one. That just seems plain greedy to me.

Now I would just like to focus on the christian religion for a moment. Have you ever thought about the origin of the New Testament? How it was first persecuted against then suddenly supported? I believe that the New Testament to the bible(the whole part that involves JESUS) was made up by the Romans to control the slaves. Think about it; what better way to control the slaves then to tell them that to have a happy afterlife they must be eternal servants and work harder than any of their slave drivers to go to 'heaven'.

Julius Ceaser=Jesus Christ.

Coincidence you might say, right? But is it? Will the truth ever come out if the Christian Churches always keep the true history covered in shroud.

Hope this trip into my mind has brought you closer to the truth as I see it,