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As you already know, Halloween is a time for costumes, fun, and free candy! But if you're a vegetarian, all that free candy isn't as good as it looks!

All of those "fun-sized" candies aren't as fun as the wrapper will tell you. These candies could contain any amount of gelatin (made from the bones of cows) and if you are truly a devout vegetarian, then I suggest you make your own candy with un-bleached ingredients because odds are, the candy has white sugar, which has a 1/3 to 1/2 chance of being bleached with crushed animal bones. (It could also be bleached with materials of mineral or plant origin-there is no true way of knowing unless you buy sugar that specifically states that there is no animal matter in it. One brand with absolutely NO animal bones is Florida Crystal.)

*We'll soon be compiling a list of candy that we're pretty sure doesn't contain what we think it does!*

Candies CONTAINING Gelatin
-Starburst (yeah, I know, it's sad.)
-Most brands of Gummy snacks (check the label..some contain PECTIN, a gelatin-like substance derived from plants.)
-Skittles *tear*
-Some types of gum
-More coming...I wish that was all, but...maybe in a perfect world...

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