Just Some Info on Me

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Just For The Record I Am NOT Giving Out Personal Info About Me Or ANY Of My Friends

1.name: sean m.
2.nicknames: no ones really ever given me a nickname when avril was big this 1 girl used to call me sk8er boi I hated it.
3.city and state born in: GA
4.state you live in now: Georgia
5.birthdate: Feb 1989
6.astrological sign: Aquarious
7.school: Going into peachtree ridge high
8.hobbies: skateboarding, watchin movies, makin web pages, just watever i feel like doin
9.sports that you play/enjoy: skateboaring and ummmmm pool
10.height: some where in between 5'10" and 6'
11.weight: 180 solid muscle ( i wish)
12.shoe size: 12 or 13 mens it depends
13.right or lefty: right handed


1. What do you think of the way you look? i think im ugly but thats me from wat i understand girls think im cute i dunno well tell me i dunno.
2. What do you think about your attitude? depends who u r, i dont like u im scary, if ur kewl wih me then im usually easy goin.
3. What do you think about life after death?: i think ppl should just live find out wat happens.
4. What do you think about karma?: yes karma is a butt!!!
5. What do you think about love?: i love love it so kewl it makes everything in the world right.
6. What do you think about fate?: i think its a bunch of crap i kno how to change wat wull happen to me and i will do so as i wish.
7. What do you think about yourself?: i think im a giant teddy bear and im proud of it :-P.
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: i dont i get really quite and try to stay with friends so i dont do somthin rash.
9. What would you give your life for?: um depends wat mood im in friends or family one of the 2.
10. What do you think about your first love?: i have found somthin love is not hard to find, wats hard is the other things in a relationship i do miss my first love but am happier with my current one
11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?: i think they're kewl and we are friends now so its kewl
12. What are you scared of?: purple cows i/j na ummm losing the ppl close to me and becoming depressed.
13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: either wen some of my friends commited suicide or wen my friend that was like a 2nd dad died this yr.
14. What would life be without friends?: death i wouldnt have one my friends are my lifeline.
15. Without family?: same as above.

-The Dream Side of You-

1.Do you dream a lot at night?: yeah i think the dream character of me is trippin on acid tho.
2.Do you dream in black and white, or color?: color so many colors.
3.Do you remember any of your dreams?: yeah and i have some really weird ones.
4.Where is your dream make out spot?: in the summer... in the mountains under the stars, winter curled up in front of a fire with the person i love.
5.What is your dream kiss like?: basically same as above.
6.What is your dream job?: movie critic.
7.Where is your dream house?: anywhere with mild summers and snowy winters i love snow.
8.Where is your dream vacation?: aruba.
9.Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway into your soul?: in a way yes its the gateway into ur mind and your mind is directly linked with your soul.


1.Parents names: John, Debby.
2.Do you live with both of them?: yes.
3.Any siblings?: lauren older sis.
4.Do you get along with your siblings?: now but b 4 we were tryin to kill each other.
5.Do you get along with your parents?: depends not usually lately.

-Do you...-

1.Do you write in a journal or diary?: only wen have poetry to write.
2.Do you keep an organizer?: no.
3.Do you believe in love at first sight?: no it doesnt make sense.
4.Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: no thats associated w/ fate and i dont believe in that.
5.Do you believe in God?: yes.
6.Do you believe in everyone?: yes i believe that if u have a problem you can fix it.
7.Do you believe in having a good education?: u cant get anywhere without one.
8.Do you believe in horoscopes?: not really but they r entertaining.
9.Do you believe in yourself?: depends if im depressed at the time.
10.Do you shower daily?: yes.
11.Do you like this survey so far?: peachy.
13.Do you cry easily?: no .
14.Do you believe in Heaven?: not in the way the bible puts it.
15.Do you believe in hell? same as above i dont believe in a devil tho.
16.Do you believe in reincarnation?: shure i could swing that way.


1.favorite day of the week: saturday.
2.favorite ice-cream: chcolate chip cookie dough.
3.favorite movies: half baked, any of the cheech and chong stuff its hilarious.
4.favorite actors: who.
5.favorite actresses: wat.
6.favorite quote: "good enough for horse shoes and hand grenades".
7.favorite songs: i love rock and roll, turning japenese, punk rock show..... the list goes on forever.
8.favorite music groups/bands: ummm anything ska, punk (real punk from the 80's) som of the new "punk" uuhhhh jimmy buffet and a couple others.
9.favorite music singers: jimmy buffet.
10.favorite holiday: holloween u getta scare the crap outta little kids, play with fire, AND get free candy.
11.favorite season: fall or winter.
12.favorite colors: blue, grey, blak, red yeah thats bout it.
13.favorite flowers: roses very romantic nd sensual.
14.favorite book: any book from the RECLUCE series by L.E Modesitt Jr.
15.favorite school subject: science

-When you hear ___ you think of..-

1.Baseball: stupid.
2.Jeff: allen.
3.Dog: cat.
4.Warm apple pie: chocolate pies better.
5.Socks: white.
6.Fish: discusting i dont like seafood.
7.Nail: wood.
8.Amanda: should b shot.
9.Swimming: pool.
10.Bologna: meat.
11.Giant Eagle: bald.
12.A nun: Y!!!.
13.The numer 69: 69.
14.School: prison.