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Random Information for Stupid Scenarios

This is the section that will constantly be added to. This is because stupid information in our society is in great ubundance and i believe will never run out.

  1. Taking a wiz on some one that just got stung by a jellyfish isnt that rude, it will stop the stinging
  2. DO NOT put turtles in the microwave its a giant mess and near close to impossible to clean when they explode.
  3. Red is the first color your brain decievers
  4. In most people, whether you are right handed or left, your left hand actually on average does more typing than your right, around 56%.
  5. We are the only mammals besides dolphins that have sex for fun
  6. Peanuts are used in dynamite.
  7. the only word in the english language that ends in "mt" is Dreamt.
  8. Regulation golf balls have 336 dimples on them
  9. You can make a smoke/ stink bomb out of a ping pong ball, a match, and tin foil.
  10. Shakespeare invented two words "assassination" and "bump".
  11. Women ussually blink twice as much as men.
  12. Excessive blinking is a sign of nervousness.
  13. Nervousness is a good sign to tell if someone is lying.
  14. American Airlines were able to save $40,000 in 1987, all because they took off one olive from each salad served in first class.
  15. A dentist invented the electric chair.
  16. It is not possible to fold a normal 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper in half more than 7 times.
  17. You can make change 293 ways from a dollar.
  18. If you yell for 8 yrs, 7 months, and 6 days, you'll have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
  19. The bible gets shoplifted more than any other book in America.
  20. Banging your head on a wall uses 150 calories an hour and depending on how hard can kill anywhere from 1 to 100 braincell each time you hit the wall
  21. The flea can jump 350 times its body length, It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.