Using what you have learned from each planet, lets determine where Zurg has taken Marvin the Martin. The clues given below will help you determine his journey.
Clue 1: Zurg captured Marvin on the planet that has the largest canyon in our solar system.
Clue 2: Zurg then took Marvin to the brightest planet in our solar system.
Clue 3: After that he took him to the second largest planet.
Clue 4: They then traveled to the planet that is smaller than seven moons in our solar system.
Clue 5: The planet with 13 moons is where they went next.
Clue 6: They needed huge sunglasses and some major sunscreen to travel to the next location...hint: it is a star.
Clue 7: Then he was taken to a planet with a Redspot, a storm which has lasted 300 years.
Clue 8: The planet that is made up of 71% water is where they traveled to next.
Clue 9: If Marvin were to stay on this planet, he would be in the dark for 42 years, then in the light for 42 years.
Clue 10: They went to the "morning star" next.
Clue 11: Marvin is currently being held captive in the location where there are men's footsteps which are still there, and will be for 10 million years.
Using your worksheet, plot Marvin & Zurg's travels through our galaxy.
Sun Mercury Venus Earth Moon