My Captured Pokemon!

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My Pack

Gyra the Male Gyarados Lv. 10
Thrash, Tackle, Ice Beam and Hidden Power-Ground

Chance the Female Chansey Lv. 5
Pound and Metronome

Suddenly you see a strange blur flash across the magma streams, blasting with amazing intensity.It flies past you knocking you into a pool of lava.Fortunately, your suit protects you from the vicious flames but the blur is back with a vengence.It dives into the lava next to you covered with a red cloak, " I am one of the Shadow Stalkers, one of the Volcanus... the Magma shall meet your doom Avenger!"Suddenly molten lava claws extend from his fingers and attemps to slash your suit open.It's not easy to dodge but you move back, firing your jetpack you blast free of the lava...
They're after me...*gulp*
Charry the Male Charmander Lv. 5
Scratch, Growl and AncientPower

Pushing your way through the snow you try as hard as you can to get past when you hear something.It sounds like a crashing wave and then you see it...a blue blur!You try to dig under the snow but the blur spotted you and it's coming.Something grabs you and throws you out across the snow and slowly, an Aqua Spiritus emerges, wearing a blue cloak comes at you.It shifts through the snow, which means that it can attack faster than you can move!Suddenly it's arm starts to change, having the water element means that it can change them into anything!It chooses a dagger but what is a water dagger going to do, tickle you to death...but the Aqua Spiritus lifts its arm into the air and the dagger freezes into an ice dagger!You back up in the snow, there's nowhere else to go, you need to think of somthing fast!Wait, if the Aqua Spiritus can freeze it's arm, and it's a water creature, why couldn't the rest of it freeze?You quickly pull out your thermas, good, it hasn't frozen yet!Lifting it up you drench the Aqua Spiritus but wait, nothing happens, "Fool, did you think a bit of water could... stopppp... mmmeeeeeee..."Finally the water stars to harden, the Aqua Spiritus can't move!
Another one![/alarmed]
Swine the Male Swinub Lv. 5
Tackle and AncientPower

Slowly you wander down through a path between two peaks when you see the blur flash above the hole. There isn't as much snow here, just a lot of ice, so you start to run faster when the ground begins to tremble.You look to find the Aqua Spiritus is causing a cave in, it's an avalanche!You try to run but there's no way you'll make it out of here in time... then you get an idea.You pull out your Avenger shiend, throw it on the ice, run and dive onto it.This is much faster, but will it prove fast enough?Shards of ice slash downwards at you, as the mass of snow and ice come down, you're almost at the end of the walled area, if you could just make it past there!Suddenly the snow connects with the ground, and you blast out through the mounds, covered with snow, and fly down the hill... hadn't calculated on stopping...
Will that Aqua Spiritus ever stop chasing me?
Horn the Male Horsea Lv. 5
Bubble, Dragon Rage

Maggy the Magnemite Lv. 5
Tackle, ThunderBolt

Lappy the Female Lapras Lv. 5
Water Gun, Growl, Sing and Aurora Beam

Mist the Female Misdreavus Lv. 5
Growl, Psywave and Destiny Bond

Kicker the Male Hitmonlee Lv. 5
Double Kick, Mach Punch