Pretty In Pink is another film in the John Hughes-produced hierarchy of 80s teen movies. Similar to Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink lacks the quick wit, but maintains the charm of that film.

Molly Ringwald's Andie is (literally) from the wrong side of the tracks. Her friend Duckie, from the same side of those tracks ( and played by Jon Cryer) is in love with her. Andie is in love with Blane, who is a richie kid of 80s Yuppies. Also in love with Andie is Blane's friend Stef, an upwardly-mobile jackass played with finesse by James Spader.

Andie has a hobby of making her own clothes and works at a record store called Trax with her friend Iona (played by Annie Potts). Blane and Andie finally meet and Blane is interested, much to Duckie's chagrin. The film plays out as the intricacies of 80s intra-class dating are explored. Blane eventually flakes in that way a high school guy can, and Andie is filled with teenage angst. Determined not to let the richies win, she goes to her prom, in a pink Andie original, alone. There she finds Duckie, also alone. Insided the prom Blane apologizes and Duckie encourages her to go to him.

The original movie had Duckie and Andie getting together. Whether this would have been a better ending could be argued ad nauseum. Test audiences didn't like the original ending. Ultimately, Mr. Hughes felt that if Andie ended up with Duckie, the lesson learned would be that rich people and poor people don't belong together. He was understandably uncomfortable with this moral lesson. So we have the ending that we have today.

The following are some of the better "Pretty In Pink" quotes. Duckie definitely had the best lines in the film:

Duckie admires Andie's outfit.
Duckie: You know, this is a really volcanic ensemble you're wearing. It's really marvelous.
Andie: Volcanic?
Duckie: Well, you know. Hot, dangerous...

Steff: You know, I've been out with a lot of girls at this school. I don't see what makes you so different.
Andie: I have some taste.

After the burglar alarm goes off at Trax, Andie finds Duckie in the back room.
Andie: Did you do this?
Duckie: Well, I'm not sure. I mean, I was just using your powder room, and I decided not to disturb you, so I was going to go out the back door. But I guess I must have touched something.
Andie: How'd you get in here?
Duckie: Are you mad?
Andie: Yes, I'm mad. There're public bathrooms all over the place.
Duckie: I'm not nine, Andie. I know that. It's the end of the month. They're out of toilet-seat covers.

Andie: You run yourself down. Why do you do that?
Duckie: I am not running myself down. Do you think I'm running my-- I don't think I'm running myself down. Why? Because of the way I dress? Because I can laugh at myself? It's called a sense of humor. You should get one. They're nice.
Andie: What are we going to do next year?
Duckie: Well, according to you, I'll still be in high school.

While helping Duckie study, Andie prepares to go to the kitchen to get beverages.
Andie: What do you want?
Duckie: Oh, beer, scotch, juice box, whatever.

Duckie learns the name of Andie's date.
Duckie: Blane? His name is Blane? That's a major appliance, that's not a name!

Andie finds Duckie waiting for her at the hotel where the prom is being held.

Duckie: I want you to know: Despite my appearance at this function, I remain now, and will always be, a Duckman.

At the prom, after Andie enters with Duckie.
Steff: You know, you've got to give her credit, though. I mean, after you dumped her, she certainly went out and found herself what I'd have to say is probably the most interesting date of our generation.
Blane: Steff. You buy everything, Steff. You couldn't buy her, though. That's what's killing you, isn't it? That's it, Steff, she thinks you're shit. And deep down, you know she's right.

After Blane leaves the prom, Duckie talks to Andie.
Duckie: He came here alone. Okay, you were right. He's not like the others. If you don't go to him now, I'm never going to take you to another prom ever again, you hear me? I mean, this is an incredibly romantic moment, and you're ruining it for me.

Compiled by Sheena

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