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AA Performance Shirt

If anyone is interested in our official Acoustic Abuse Band T-Shirts e-mail us. Yes you would have to pay for the shirt, but your satisfaction would be priceless...I guess.

If your still not sure, this is what the front of the shirt will be like.

And the back of the shirt says "Spread the Abuse".

Black: $16
White: $12
Sizes: S-XXL

Please allow a rather long time for delivery, since we make these shirts ourselves. If you are from school we can probably get them to you earlier, but it will still probably take a few weeks to get the materials and make the shirt. Also, sizes S and XXL may be harder for us to find, so allow extra time if you order one of those. We'll try to improve our methods of shirt-making in the future, but this is all we can do for now. Thanks!
-Acoustic Abuse

We would like to thank Cordero Ortiz for being the first fan to buy one of our shirts. Thanks!

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