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Our AA World Tour

This was the start of the tour at an International Airport we found while cruising for a gig.

We then raced to North Carolina to the Biltmore estates. Fancy place, stingy people.

A tour would not be complete if we didn't stop at a random castle. So here it is.

After much demand, we were phoned by the chief of police in Alaska and asked us if we would play there. And so we did.

Back to Ireland it was because they wanted to buy our shirts, go figure.

We decided that we should do a remix of "Mouseballs" for the Japan concert, a little techno thing since this is the birthplace of techno.

We came back through the Blue Ridge Mountains and pulled off to the side of the road whipped out our guitars and performed. (We got $0.36)

This is us in the cast line of a Daniel Boone Show. We asked if we could join and they said it was fine.

Hope you enjoyed the tour keep looking at the site and have fun.
