Have you ever wondered where all those impossible things are bought from? All those things you discussed in your physics problems
that didn't really exist? Well here's you're answer. Here on The World Of Amazingness Physics Shop we are proud to bring
you everything that was previously thought impossible. None of our stock can be bought in the shops, it is only available
direct to you through email. For payment methods please see the end of the section.
Price Promise
We promise to rip you off to our hearts content, charging as much as we feel is necessary. All profit made from this
venture goes into the Sam Williamson Poor Student Campaign, which has already raised a whopping £2.43, that's almost
4 euros. The Sam Williamson Poor Student Campaign helps a needy student with essential purchases, such as cinema tickets
beer, and nightclub entrance fees, so any other donation to this worthy cause is gratefully welcomed.
If any of the equipment breaks, you are very welcome email us, and we will write throughly abusive emails back. This
does not cost any extra money, but is all part of the service.
Our Products
- Frictionless Slopes - For all those carriage experiments and other sliding experiments, this is a must have. The original
Frictionless slope was manufactured in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, by our plankton researchers, and has been proved to
have a coefficient of friction of exactly 1. Only £ 1 000 000 000.99, that's just 1 640 000 000 000 Euros*.
- Point Masses - Any circular motion experiment is not complete without a point mass to swing around. This kit even
comes with a massless string attached, so all you need to do is start that swinging. The Circular Motion Kit can be bought
for the low price of £ 10 101 229.42, which is a mere 16 567 000 Euros*.
- Massless Rods - How can you calculate any structural forces without this infinitely thin massless rod. You'll wonder
how you lived without it before. This can be used in a number of applications, from frameworks to mechanisms, and always produces
excellent results. All this fun comes for just £ 698 837 491.22 or 1 146 093 486 Euros*.
Buy 2 Massless rods and pay for just three
- Infinite Impedance Loads - These IILs are bound to come in useful someday, whether it's through being able to get
100% effciency through a voltage amplifier, or just to annoy someone by putting a massive load in a piece of electrical
equipment, having an IIL to hand is always a good idea. IILs start from £ 39 486 763 859.64, that's just 64 758 292 710
- Resistance Free Wires - Isn't always the way, when you are trying to conduct your accurate experiment and then
you find the wires you are using have so much resistance that they make all your results invalid. Well from now on that
never need happen. With the RF wires from The World Of Amazingness all your electrical experiments can be accurate, so
you can find something else to blame the 10% inaccuracy of the experiment on. These wires come in a variety of lengths
and with a mulititude of connectors on the end, so email our product manager (see bottom of page). RF wires prices start
from just 99p, which is 1.62 Euros*.
- Non-Flux Leaking Magnetic Cores - Are you sick and tired of your electromagnetic cores attracting your braces
from your teeth, or removing money from your pocket? Well if so, this is the core to buy. It is guaranteed to capture
all magnetic flux inside the core and not let any leak. It also doesn't allow heat losses due to Eddy currents, raisins
or sultans, especially the Brunei versions. A NFLMC can be purchased for a mere £ 42 424 242 424 242 424 242.42 or
6957575757575757575757.57 Euros*.
Coming Soon
- The Non-Delayable Train - Soon it will be here, well, it's timetabled to arrive soon anyway, the train that turns
up to the destination when it is supposed to.
- The Perptual Motion Car - We at The World Of Amazingness hope that the perpetual motion car will be on the streets
within the next few months, or unless all the oil distributers in the world pay us £ 100 billion.
(Cash preferable)
- A Waiting-Listless Hospital System - Well, whatever Tony Blair says, it isn't impossible.
- A Dependable Politician - We are developing through psychological research, as well as physiological work, a politician
that has a spine, and also one that has a social conscience and a feeling of responsibilty to his electorate. Unfortunately
this program is a long way off from completion.
- Peace Worldwide - This is something that our researchers are having problems with, as it is down to you and me. Surely we should
all try for it.
Payment Method
All the instructions for the method of payment can be found in the dictionary under gullible.
* The Euro conversion factor was taken as £1 = 1.64 Euros