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The Mercenary News Service
(Old News & Contracts)

-September 7, 3054 Hades Hammers Mission: Outerworlds Alliance planet of Dormindaine

-September 27, 3054 Hades Hammers successfully complete their first mission

-October 30, 3054 Hades Hammers Mission: Comstar planet of Novo Franklin



Contract Offers




Employer: Duchy of Andurian
Objective: The Duchy of Andurian has recently broke free from the FWL however the FWL military is rerouting available units into the Duchy in an attempt to recapture it. The Duchy is in a good position financially but lack enough troops to defend the coming Marik attacks. FWL forces have landed on the planet Conquista and helped loyal troops recapture a military outpost. Destroy the outpost.
-Pay: 1,500 for destroying enemy base + 300 for each destroyed mech. The Duchy will pay for all Armor repair and ammunition reloads for non-destroyed mercenary mechs
-Salvage: Duchy will buy all salvageable mechs for 60% of value
* intelligence reports a company of mechs and vehicles defending the base. Enemy forces contain "at least" a pair of Anvils and an Orion and an Albatross.

***The Dutchy will offer extended contracts on planet at the successful conclusion of this mission

Employer: Comstar
Objective: Comstar had hired mercenary battalion Lyons Lions to Garrison the periphery planet Novo Franklin, in surprise move Word of Blake forces have landed on the planet and initiated a planetary assault, Comstar has no available units to rerout to the planet and the mercenary force on planet cannot hold out long with out reinforcements… your objective is to eleminate the Word of Blake presence on the planet.

-Pay: 3,000 c-bills per successful battle

-Salvage: full

***this mission is not complete till 2 battles are won successfully

Employer: Federated Commonwealth
Objective: Destroy enemy mech blockade or allow friendly units to exit map.
Mission: Last month elements of the 2nd Kearny Highlanders took the Drac. planet of Quentin. However, 2 weeks later the Dracs sent elements 3rd Dieron Regulars to recapture the planet, the Highlander battalion stationed on Quentin was badly battered and took off into the mountains. The Dieron Regulars have cut off the Highlanders from their drop ships and set up blockades on all approaches to the drop ship.
-Pay: 10,000 (-2,000 for every friendly mech destroyed) c-points
-Salvage: None, there are too many enemy mechs in the area to stop for salvage.
* intelligence reports all blockades consist of exactly 2 lances of mechs and a single tank (friendly forces consist of 5 Centaurian 9A's all of which have no ammo YOU say when you want them to appear at the opposite edge of the map i.e. if you can beat the enemy mechs, destroy them then call the friendly unit onto the map and have them cross unopposed)


Employer: Federated Commonwealth
Objective: Destroy Clan Power plant and all mechs on site

Mission: In order to keep the Jade Flacons off guard Fed Com is sponsering a series of raids along the Falcon occupations zone border
-Pay: 8,000
-Salvage: None, Federated Commonwealth will however replace any equipment losses with mechs of about the same size (these are probobly going to be level 1 mechs within 5 tons from the mech destroyed)


Employer: Free Rassaulugue Republic

Objective: Capture and hold Factory

Mission: Intellegence reports that Clan Diamond shark has erected a mech factory on a distant planet on the Colmar system ( in Jade Falcon Territory). The planet is for the most part uninhabited. And the factory is being used to refit Thunderbolt 5S produced on sudeten for their PGC's. FRR plans to relocate the entire factory into FRR.

-Pay: 5,500

-Salvage: FRR will pay 50% of value of any captured enemy mechs guarding the factory. Plus all mechs in the factory (its going to be 4 Thunderbolt 5S 2 with clan weapons and clan double heatsinks, 1 with mixed tech, one unmodified )