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The three supernatural traits of the game are:

- Strength (supernatural physical strength, speed and fortitude)
- Awareness (heightened instincts, mental faculties and perception)
- Domination (supernatural dominance and social grace)

Each character can have different levels in the three traits, but need not have a rank in each. One character can only possess supernatural Awareness, while another may possess only supernatural Strength. There are two different levels for each trait: the permanent, maximum value and the current, temporary value.

These traits can be invoked by the player to gain temporary, limited narrative power over an action related to the trait. A character could invoke Strength to pull a tree out of the ground, Awareness to sniff the lady hidden in the woods and Domination for placing a strong suggestion over the servants of the house. This is automatically succesful, barring the intervention of another supernatural influence. See "Conflicting Narrative Influence" to see what happens in this instance.

To succesfully invoke the traits, spends a temporary point of the trait and attempts to roll below her Angst. Otherwise the character does not have the resolve to carry it out. The roll is only made when supernatural powers are used, but its effects go beyond that. The character aborts the whole reasoning behind the use of the power, but can return to the task in a later scene.

Every time the darkness within the character is invoked in this manner there is a chance that the Hunger is triggered. Each time the character makes the above Angst roll check the die rolled for any 1's. If any are rolled, the Hunger is aroused. See "Hunger Unbound" to see what happens. Also, when any of the temporal values for the supernatural traits is reduced to zero, the Hunger is immediately brought into play.

All of the character's temporary values for all supernatural traits are fully replenished when the Hunger is fulfilled.


If two players have a claim for narrative power in the same scene, the resolution system between them is karmic (ie. the higher attribute/trait wins) and those karmic results must be accounted for in the narration. Otherwise, play proceeds as usual, with the two working together.


In addition to the three supernatural traits detailed earlier, each character has a Power rating. Each point represents a different supernatural power the character possesses. Each power also provokes a Bane, a weakness that renders the character's supernatural powers impotent in the face of it.

To use a power, the character must use a point from the associated supernatural trait.

List of Powers:
- metamorphosis [Strength or Awareness] (to wolf, to bat, etc)
- invulnerability to normal damage / regeneration [Strength]
- unnatural travel [Strength] (earth meld, shadow meld, form of mist, fly)
- cause terror [Dominance or Awareness] (freeze folks, or due to a horrific countenance)
- corrupt with darkness [Dominance] (create more like you, lycanthropy, vampiric children)
- cloud men's minds [Dominance]
- precognition [Awareness]

List of Banes:
- irredeemable (Hunger can never be quenched)
- frenzy (must resist to not fly into a berserk rage in certain situations)
- weakness to something (silver, cold iron, etc)


When the Hunger is aroused, the player of the character immediately gains narrative power over the story for the duration of the scene. The power of the Hunger is so fierce that it can scarcely be stopped by any force on earth.

Narrative power allows the player to direct the scene, dictating the success and failure of all actions taken by participating characters and to introduce limited narrative twists. The player must follow certain guidelines in narrating the story, however. The player must keep in mind that the story must now proceed towards the fulfilling the need imposed by the character's curse.

Each time the Hunger rises, the player makes an Angst roll. If it is a success, the character gains complete narrative control and may end the scene with the Hunger being sated. If it is a failure, the character gains only limited control and the scene must go against the character, resulting in the Hunger being unsatisfied. If this happens, the characters gains an Angst point.

The fulfilling of the character's need may also be played as a flashback, but this requires appropiate narration and roleplaying.

After each time the character's Hunger is sated, if the character displays appropiate repentance or guilt over his forced link to the darkness inside of her, the character's Angst is lowered by one. The darkness does not grow in strength nor does the character plunge into moral decay.

This requires more than idle repentance though, so that it is not too easy to accomplish. Wallowing in angst by themselves is not the only option -- but can be satisfactory if roleplayed well -- but confessing to another character is one possible way, as is acting in some way out of guilt and plagued conscience. If the character chose to play the arousal in a flashback, it is especially appropiate if the character is struck by guilt in the here and now. The GM is the final arbiter of what is enough.


Angst has a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 1.

Angst is a measure of the hold of the great darkness on the character's soul, but the character also needs this Angst to survive and empower her, because of the curse placed upon her. It is at the same time the place their passions, guilt and doubts spring forth from.

Angst is acquired when the character fails to accomplish the need imposed on her by the Hunger, as described in "Hunger Unbound". It is lost when the character displays appropiate guilt over his curse, as described in that same chapter.

In addition to these two events, whenever the character is confronted by her Banes, she also acquires a point of Angst.

Angst has specific effects on both ends of the spectrum.

When it falls too low, the character begins to lose all interest and meaning in existance, falling back to the early state of depression that initially cursed the character. This results in a lack of ability to invoke the supernatural traits, as described earlier in "Inner Darkness". If Angst falls to zero, the character loses her supernatural powers and also the Need (as she can't use them, there will never be a situation where the Need could be invoked). This should be a monumental occasion, as the character either triumphs over the evil within her, or fails utterly and dies as a bitter suicide.

When Angst grows too potent, the character becomes bestial and unnatural. Target numbers for positive interaction with people are increased by 1 for every point of Angst above 6.

Note that Players MUST roleplay characters with high and low Angst scores appropiately. High Angst characters become irascible and brutal monsters, while low Angst characters become depressed, haunted souls.

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