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All player characters must have a strong darker side, whether it is an unholy curse placed on an old crusader abandoning God, two naive lovers transgressing where they should not, a man vowing vengeance on those who destroyed his life or a nun in a monastery having sinful thoughts.

In creating the character, choosing the initial condition which led the character to become cursed is very important. Secondly, you as a player must consider what forms the curse now takes and how it effects the character's life. The curse can be overtly supernatural, such as vampiric existance, or much more subtly so, almost impossible to fathom and classify.

The darkness explored by the game must be both repelling and attracting to the characters and players. Whether virtue triumphs over evil or not is not certain and the point in many of the stories, though the evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction.

Below, several example character are given:

The Werewolf

For as long as anyone can remember, he has been a bully and plagued by an acidic temper. He didn't want to change, not realizing the hurt he caused, until he murdered her true love in a rage of jealousy. His own considerable will, coupled with his inability to actually change for the better, become so unbearable that it wrought external changes on him ...

Strength: 3
Awareness: 3

Powers : metamorphosis, invulnerability
Banes : silver, frenzy

Hunger : assume the aspect of the hunter under the full moon

The Vampire

Strength: 2
Awareness: 2
Dominance: 2

Powers : metamorphosis, invulnerability, unnatural travel, create offspring
Banes : crosses, sunlight, fire, must sleep in a coffin

Hunger : Drink the blood of the living

The Killer

He was the undesirable of the social circles in town, especially scorned by the ladies that he so desired. That was until he drank an alchemical potion of his making which gave him an unnatural edge that the sheep just lacked. Now he picks his victims, whether they are women to be seduced, or undesirables to be slaughtered ...

Awareness : 2
Dominance : 4

Hunger : take the life of a woman

The Count

The man the Count had always consider his best friend betrayed him, stealing his wife and destroying his life, sending him to a dark prison where the Count plunged deep into the depths of madness, the darkness within him growing and the need for vengeance growing. He renounced God and found meaning in vengeance.

Strength: 3
Dominance: 3

Hunger : Act in vengeance against the conspirators

The Investigator

He was a constable in the big city, but he could not for all his ingeniuty save the life of his beloved from a gang of hoodlums that killed her and the child she was pregnant with for a couple of pennies. The man lost all will to live, finding escape in the opium parlors of the city's seedier districts, but later he started to be plagued by visions -- visions of his wife's death, and visions of deaths that were yet to happen ...

Awareness: 6

Powers: precognition

Hunger : wallow in the intoxication brought by binging on opium or absinthe

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