You know the drill: You've been watching him from afar, trying to send mental signals that you're the girl of his dreams. Too bad he doesn't read minds, or the two of you might be a thing by now! So, how do you let your crush know you're into him without totally embarrassing yourself? Read on for cool ways to clue him in!
Scene I: The Library
The Setting: Your crush is sitting by himself with his head down, quietly poring through a stack of books.
The Script: You walk up to him and whisper, "Can I sit here?" and take a seat next to him. "What are you working on?" is a good conversation opener, followed by some general small talk: "How do you like that class?" "How's your report coming?" Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer--you don't want him to feel like you're drilling him!
Your Secret Weapon: Be observant. Does he have a team cap on or skateboard stickers on his notebook? Clue in to his interests and ask questions about them.
Make a Fast Exit: If he's seriously studying. You want him to find your company unforgettable, not annoying!
Scene II: The Hallway
The Setting: You're between classes and about to be pushed, jostled and squeezed past your crush.
The Script: You don't have a lot of time to make a totally mesmerizing impression, so work with what you have. Wear bright colors that make you look your best and, of course, a bright smile. Always say hi, and include his name so he knows your admiration is directed toward him and not someone in the throng of people surrounding him.
Your Secret Weapon: Gently tap his shoulder or touch his arm as you say hi. This'll make the moment a little more special!
Make a Fast Exit: If he's on the opposite end of the hallway. Come on, you don't want to be late for class, do you?
Scene III: The Cafeteria
The Setting: You're in line in the school cafeteria and he and his pals are making their usual disgusting faces at the day's lunch offerings.
The Script: You need something more subtle than hitting him on the head with your PB&J sandwich. Instead, take a poll, like, "Is there really meat in the school's meatloaf?" Ask your crush and his pals their opinions. Sounds silly, but cafeteria food's always good for a laugh!
Your Secret Weapon: Your imagination. Sure, you're supposed to eat at lunch, but it's also a great time to let off some steam and joke around with friends. Your genuine good mood can be contagious, and don't be surprised if your crush comes over to see what's up.
Make a Fast Exit: If he and his friends are in the midst of a food fight. It's hard to look cool when you're dodging packets of ketchup!
Scene IV: The Big Game
The Setting: You walk into the gym and spy him with his pals sitting in the bleachers.
The Script: Put on your friendliest face and ask if there's room for you and your pal to sit with them. Don't be shy about showing your school spirit--you can be a cheerleader even if you're not in uniform! If you're not sure what's happening on the court, now's a great time to break the ice and ask your crush to explain the finer points of basketball.
Your Secret Weapon: Popcorn, candy--you know, snacks! If you freeze up, all you gotta do is hold out the box and ask, "Want some?"
Make a Fast Exit: If his attention is totally on the court. You won't win any points with him right now.
Scene V: The Big Dance
The Setting: You're with your friends, he's with his friends, and no one's dancing. Can you say, awkward?
The Script: Get the DJ to play a song that'll tempt everyone on to the dance floor. Then get your girlfriends to help you make the first move as a group, and ask your crush and company to dance. Everyone'll feel less self-conscious in a crowd.
Your Secret Weapon: If he feels like a geek when he's dancing--and most guys do!--make small talk to put him at ease. "I love this song. Have you seen the video?" will get his mind off his feet and solely onto you!
Make a Fast Exit: If he's goofing around with his pals. Sure, you can join in the fun, but now might not be the best time to try to get his full attention.