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Age: 29

Home Base: London

She Most regrets her newfound fame because: "I used to be able to walk backstage at my concerts without people recognizing me. It was fantastic!"

What she loves to do before a performance: Hang with the fans

What she hates to do: eat ("it makes me lazy")

Where she writes her songs: in a home studio overlooking her garden.

Why she digs Roswell: "It seems like a cult show, which is very cool."

Two Groups she listened to growing up: Duran Duran and Wham.

Two Groups she listens to now: Macy Gray and Jurassic Five.

Body Part She'd like to change: "I'd make my boobs bigger-as long as I could do it safely."

Beauty Routine She's most addicted to: Moisturizing

Her favorite use of her song "Thank You": a Spanish band's version. "It was lovely and very sweet, but it was the funniest thing to hear my song in a completely different language!"

Why she's not offended by Eminem's Lyrics: "You can't take every song you hear on the radio and every book you read personally. Entertainers are great story-tellers and tell things the way they are in other people's minds."

But She was Offended when: "I sang 'Thank You' at my best friend's wedding and people asked why I sang an Eminem song. I was like, 'No, this is my song!'"

Likelihood of her sampling on of eminem's songs: "I hadn't thought about it, but that's a ood idea!"

-Geri Sahn *Taken from YM magazine*