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Atari Duo Reunited
According to internet reports, Paranoid & The Mad Butcher - The Posh & Becks of the Atari scene - have patched up their difficulties.

The bitter and public bust-up between the pair shocked the attendees of the Error In Line 2 party. Insiders report that their relationship was on the rocks, and the showing of C64 demos pushed it over the edge.
Paranoid admitted that he had been cheating and had been secretly spending his time enjoying demos on another computer.

"He cares more about C64 demos than he does me!" Shouted an enraged Mad Butcher, threatening to set fire to his testicles if another non atari demo was shown.

"Looking back, I was wrong." admits Paranoid "I just couldn't resist the temptation of that slinky SID music and those chunky graphics. They really turn me on."

Airing his greivances in Alive! magazine forced the issue to a head.

"We had a long discussion about the matter and the result is that he has fogiven me." smiled Paranoid "I'm fortunate to have such an understanding partner."

"I spoke to him yesterday," revealed Mad Butcher "He is still a twat."

The Happy Couple : Together Again

Harder Better Faster Stronger
Processor speed is a measure of penis size and it impresses girls.
It is no surprise then that companies are falling over themselves to bring supercharged new accelerators to slow and lonely atari owners.

Take our hand and let us guide you through the mysterious and slightly sordid world of processor acceleration.

Contender #1 : 'Tempest' by Istari Software

Istari's range of Falcon enhancing products were initially brought to our attention by the promotional skills of David 'Pencil' Encill, CEO of Titan Designs.

After a botched bank job, Encill had to go into hiding in Birmingham, changing the name of his company to avoid the FBI and unpaid website hosts. He now spends his free time growing beards.

"I drew up my first plans for the Tempest accelerator in 1978" reveals Sven Karlsson, Director of Istari. "Back then the CPUs were the size of a small country. It was pretty difficult for us to fit these in a standard ST case."

But such logistical difficulties didn't deter Karlsson.

"We knew the market would be there in the future, and if we started designing early we would be ahead of the competition."

Sven proudly displays his Tempest Accelerator Board.

"It's based around a 1Mhz Zilog Z80 CPU. It can play the original atari arcade 'tempest' at almost full speed. Falcon owners have only dreamed about such a chip before. I can't dream - all my time is devoted to this project. I haven't been to bed since 1983."

Contender #2 : 'CT6502' by Czuba-Tech

Meanwhile, back in france, turnip framer and PCB stroker Rudolphe Czuba has an alternative solution.

Rudolphe is best known for the ill fated Phenix project, an Atari 'compatible' computer powered with a giant windmill.

"Phenix was great. I had drawn lots of diagrams!" enthused Czuba.

But angry wrangles with his employers 'Centek' and local farmers brought this project to a premature end. Czuba hopes for more success with his new accelerator.

"The CT6502 will be great. I have drawn lots of diagrams"

Unfortunately his time is currently taken up with the "RioRed Project" - a linux based bicycle powered by lemon juice.

"It is sure to be a great success." smiles Rudolphe. "Do you want to see my PCB diagrams?"

COMPANY : Istari
CPU : Z80
SPEED : 1 Mhz
PRICE : 20,000 Euros
ETA : Quarter 4, 2049
COMPANY : Centek
CPU : 6502
SPEED : 3 Mhz
PRICE : 14 Onions
ETA : 3001

Dish Of The Day*
Readers of Alive! magazine discovered that a Falcon version of the spectrum classic 'Knight Lore' is in development. We don't know who is responsible for this conversion, but they must be as crazy as a table.

The software house who made the original title - Ultimate:Play The Game - were reborn as nintendo developers Rare. One of their recent smash hit games is 'Perfect Dark'. It may be yet another First Person Shooter, but the main character is a girl which obviously makes it great.

After the assault your eyes suffered with the EIL2 gallery, let them relax and recover by feasting them on our pictures on the model who 'plays' Joanna Dark.

Dish O' The Day

*WARNING : Very tenuous atari link

EIL2 Party Pics
We are privileged to be in contact with top Italian photographer, Arthur Randy. He is a legend in his field, having his work featured in such publications are The New York Times, National Geographic, Tatler, The Observer Colour Supplement and Razzle.

Who can forget his timeless images such as "The Fall Of The Berlin Wall", "Nightfall On Tianamen Square", "Alone In The Amazon Forest", "Princess Di Splattered" and "Posh Spice Upskirt Shot".

His latest collection seeks to "Capture the essence of the atari scene in its natural habitat" - that being a dark and smelly cellar in east germany.

See his exclusive pictures from EIL2 here:

Error In Line 2 Photo Gallery

Error in jokes
After this site got a mention on the DHS pages we have recieved lots of hits and many emails. Here is a choice selection of comments about this site:

  • "its not funny"
  • "I am not understanding your texts"
  • "total waste of space"
  • "Have you got any nudie pictures of Cilla Black?"

In general most sceners seem to hate it, but certain areas are hated more than others - specifically the content.

The problem is that a lot of the jokes are still in their alpha phase, we have no QA department to rigorously test the quality of each gag.

Fortunately help is at hand in the form of French Funnyman DmaSC of SectorOne. He will be acting a "Joke Director", verifying the humour level of the site and supplying us with the top quality jokes from france.

Comedy Corner
with DmaSC of Sector One

"What is the difference between a girl of loose living and a pizza pie?
The pizza pie one can control it without mushrooms !!!!"

( this may lose something in the translation )

Atari Souvenirs For Sale
During its recent visit to the Error In Line 2 party, members of the Café Fuji team managed to get their hands on a number of exclusive pieces of Atari scene memorobilia.
We want to share this atari goodness with you, and we are literally 'giving stuff away' at bargain prices. These items were once in the hands of famous atarians so treat them with respect.

  • Car Stereo - Previously owned by MoonDog from UCM. ( permanently tuned into German BigHairRock FM for ease of use)
  • Fluffy Dice ( with attractive skull design on each face )
  • Driving Gloves - Black ( left hand only )
  • Windscreen Sticker : "ERIC + TRACEY"
Mail our Sales Team for further details and prices of these items. Payment must be in cash only. No cheques. No marked notes.

This special offer is not available to employees of european law enforcement agencies or their families. Sorry.

Blabla Demo Sweeps The Board
Blublu's hades & ST Book megademo "blabla" not only wowed the masses at Easter's Error In Line 2 party, but it has also been the toast of the atari journalists, winning numerous awards in the latest issue of alive.
"Nous have got beacuoup of atari scene members to contribute to the judging of these dimos" revealed senior editor ST Survivor "Zis iz the most conclusive and comprehensive poll of atari dimo favourites ever compiled, and everyone loves zis dimo. Magnifique!"
Whilst not revealing the exact numbers who participated, exit polls estimate that voters almost reached double figures.

the brainblasting blabla demo

Pizza Rewarded
Employees of takeway food companies the world over celebrated yesterday as a recount of the Error In Line 2 votes vindicated the Spice Boys earlier complaints that they hadn't received the votes they deserved.
"The problem was in the design of the voteforms" confirmed 505 of checkpoint. "Some of the voters had not fully punched out the holes on the forms which made them invalid using the original rules."
But a new ruling by Judge Joe Cool overturned this decision and counting recommenced.
"We had some other difficulties," explained 505 "as some of the swedish sceners had eaten their voteforms. Fortunately we found baggio's votesheet in the toilet when cleaning up the venue and it had only been partly digested so we could still make out his choices."

final EIL2 results:

Sono 2Escape32,768
Don't try this at 16mhzDHS303
Wait for the next frameT.O.Y.S.128
Dream Dimension (non FPU remix)Paranoia42
Unexpected GFA demoThe Unknown Coders42
PizzaSpice Boys1

Sophie : So Good
As ever Café Fuji brings is bang up to date with the latest happenings in the world of pop and rock. This week we shall feast our eyes on Sophie Ellis Bexter, wife of Blue Peter's Janet Ellis and singer with David Beckham's funk rock band "Red Hot Spiller Lepers".

Dish O' The Day

Spice Boys Demand Recount
Angry scenes followed the awards ceremony at the Error In Line 2 party after the Spice Boys' Falcon Demo came in a lowly 9th out of 6 competitors.
"Somthing doesn't add up!" burped fat spice at the time, but he was too large to get up off his seat and complain and the IRC channel #eil_complain was down.
The dissafection spread as across the border to Germany where Grey started to petition Lech Walesa about a recount. "It is the best demo i have ever seen in my life" screamed the mystic bytes member into a string connected plastic cup (the polish have not yet invented the telephone).
"I really hope Spice Boys do not quit the scene." commented a spokesman for pizza hut international PLC, looking worriedly at a set of predicted sales figures for next year.

Café Fuji TakeAway
As our eagle-eyeded regular readers (both of you) will have noticed, we have moved to a new URL. Our previous webspace provider "asked" us to leave, citing "lewd photographic materials" and "unsuitable content" amongst the list of the 96 violations of their terms and conditions. We hope our new host is bit more broad minded and will happily tolerate our blend of atari news and scantily clads girls.