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Message of the Watchers, Book of Enoch, Calendar
(mathematical analysis)


Vladimir Pakhomov


A brief account of the report at the seminar of the Moscow Space Club May 18, 2012 at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University


In our calendar (calendar of Enoch, ancient Egyptian, Julian) I found and deciphered the Message of an advanced civilization. The Message contains three-dimensional image of a fish-man, animals and birds, the topographic maps of islands and the celestial maps. In the Message was used digital coding of information. The data of the Message coincide with archaeological finds, myths and legends of the ancient world.

Keywords: calendar, message, Enoch, Watchers, ancient civilization.


"If you do not expect the unexpected
you will not find it,
for it is not to be reached by search or trail."

— Heraclitus (544 — 483 BC)


We use the Gregorian calendar that differs from the previous Julian calendar only by one additional rule. That is, in fact, the Gregorian calendar is the Julian calendar with one Gregorian addition.

If we look in more ancient times, we will see that the Julian calendar is almost identical to the calendar of Enoch, the Old Testament patriarch. The Bible says that Enoch was "the seventh from Adam," and he was the great-grandfather of Noah, who survived the Worldwide Flood. That is, this calendar was known even before the Flood.

The calendar Message history begins with the events described in the ancient Book of Enoch. This book talks about "Two hundred angels, the children of heaven", who descended to earth. These "angels" called themselves "Watchers". They explained the calendar to Enoch, that he recorded, "but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come". What was hidden in the calendar for future generations? I found the answer to this question.


There are many calendar elements, which were used to define a calendar for any year. For example, in the book by Sergey Kulikov "Thread of Times" is the table of Solar cycle, shown in the following figure.


Figure 1


This is the table for the Julian calendar of the March style (see the page Old Slavonic letters in this table designate days of the week. These letters were called the "Numbers of the Gods". Their numerical value is shown in the third column (Fig. 2).


Figure 2


Similar tables (matrices) were used thousands of years ago, and now it is used for the Julian and Gregorian calendar. You can easily determine a calendar for any year in the past and in the future using this table. Therefore, it is called the Perpetual calendar. However, over thousands of years no one noticed an interesting mathematical feature of this table. Now I will tell you about it.


Replacing letters on their numeric value (Fig. 2) in the matrix (Fig. 1), we get the following table.


Figure 3. Matrix of the Perpetual calendar


I noticed that the matrix (Fig. 3) formed from the pairs of numbers, which are the indexes of elements of the square matrix of order 7. These pairs of numbers (binary elements) of the matrix (Fig. 3) shown in the following figure.


Figure 4


I will number the rows and columns of the 7 × 7 matrix starting with 0. If the matrix elements are the indexes of these elements, the upper half of the 7 × 7 matrix is shown in the following figure.


Figure 5. The 7 × 7 matrix


The elements, which were used in the matrix of the perpetual calendar (Fig. 4) are allocated in Figure 5. The lower half of the 7 × 7 matrix is not used.


Do we know an ancient matrix, which is equivalent to the matrix in Figure 5? Yes, we know. It is the usual set of dominoes.


Figure 6


Such an arrangement of dominoes is equivalent to the matrix in Figure 5.

Therefore, we can lay out the matrix of the perpetual calendar (Fig. 4) using the domino pieces, as shown in the following figure.


Figure 7. The perpetual domino-calendar


For the domino-calendar (Fig. 7) was used a half of set of dominoes. Naturally, I have a question - is it possible to do something similar with the remaining half of a set of dominoes using the same calendar rules and properties? That is, to use all elements of the matrix (Fig. 5, 6). It appeared that it can be done!

Later, using only the data of the matrix of the perpetual calendar (Fig. 3), and the calendar rules, I obtained the image of a fish-man mentioned in the ancient Sumerian mythology as Oannes.

Matrix of the Calendar Message obtained from the entire matrix (Fig. 5, 6), contains not only the perpetual calendar, but also a lot of other information. Including the most ancient melody in the world. This healing melody you will hear on the next page.

I continued the decryption process and some results are presented on the page

The full results of the decryption are described in the book «The Mystery of the Calendar — The Message to the Unborn».



  1. Pakhomov V.L. «The Mystery of the Calendar — The Message to the Unborn», Perth, Australia: Xerostar Holdings, ISBN 0-9580150-1-5 (for a Windows PC)

  2. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 1-2" (for any device)

  3. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 3-4" (for any device)

  4. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 5" (for any device)

  5. Photos from the seminar MSC, May 18, 2012


Copyright © 2012 Vladimir Pakhomov
Updated: October 10, 2019