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Lunar Jetman Hints & Tips

Hints, tips and graphics are taken from the ZX Spectrum version.
There may be variations of tips and graphics on the BBC version of the game.


Lunar Jetman.. How do I play it? What do I do?
Out of most of the emails I receive these are the most asked questions. Strange!
So, here is a guide to help you get somewhere in the game. Practice makes perfect.

The Planet and the inhabitants
The Planet
Previously undiscovered, inhabited by hundreds of aliens..
Quite a large landscape, has the odd crater. Wraps around, so you can circle the planet within 5 levels. You`ll find the `join` in the landscape as an added feature. Congratulations for finding it.
These guys are not happy that you`re here.
The Aliens that inhabit this planet are after your blood and are hell bent on destroying both the Earth and your Lunar Rover (in any order).
Certain aliens only appear when you start a new level - some change in appearance depending whether you`re on an odd or even life. Most of the aliens have different characteristics that are described in the list below.

Equipment brief
Jetman and the Jet Pac
Welcome our hero, Jetman (Ta da!) with his Jet Pac.
The Jet Pac helps Jetman around the planet to hopefully complete his mission.
The Lunar Rover
The big thing with wheels. This is where Jetman regenerates at the start of each life. Jetman must protect the Lunar Rover from the alien missile attack otherwise the game is over, the Earth is destroyed and Tony Blair won`t be a happy bunny.
Jetman can enter the Lunar Rover and be safe from any aliens that are outside - but while inside the Lunar Rover, Jetman won`t be doing anything to rid the planet of the alien missile bases. Do something about it.
The Lunar Rover holds an unlimited supply of bridging plaforms that will become very useful within minutes.
The Bomb
It does exactly what is says on the packaging. To be dropped on the Alien Missle Base to destroy it - thus saving Jetman and the Earth a few precious minutes. The bomb will regenerate next to the Lunar Rover if it is destroyed. Unlimited supply.
The Teleport
Probably the most useful item on the planet. There are two Teleports available - easy to use - enter one of them and you will appear at the other. Fast easy transport around the planet.
Doesn`t require any bracelets or Orac to operate. Can be used by intelligent aliens.
The Laser Gun
Stick it on the back of the Lunar Rover and you can blast a few aliens in safe and warm comfort.
Bridging Platforms
These are located in the Lunar Rover and are used to fill all the holes and craters that are scattered on the surface.
Jetman and his Hydrovac Jet Pac  
Jetman can walk on the lunar landscape or fly using the Jet Pac.
Jetman will remain in the centre of the screen at all times. The landscape will scroll around him - this will give you time to react to any alien nasties.
Laser Phaser
The Jet Pac is equipped with a Quad Photon Laser Phaser to blast any alien nasty that gets in the way. Use it all the time. There is unlimited laser power.
Fuel Limit
There is limited fuel within the Jet Pac - so you`ll have to refuel often at the Lunar Rover.
If Jetman walks over or lands on a hole he will hover and use Jet Pac fuel.
Entering and Exiting items
Jetman can enter the Lunar Rover and the Teleport system using the shift (caps shift) key.
Picking up and droping items
Jetman can carry items that are scattered around the lunar landscape. Remeber that the items are heavy, so the Jet Pac will react slower and use more fuel. Remember to drop the item.
If Jetman comes into contact with anything alien then he will plummet to the ground and leave a nice crater.
New Life
Jetman will always regenerate with the Lunar placed between him and the Alien Missile Base/launched missile - such is life.

Gaining Extra Lives

The Slow Way
Upon destruction of the Alien Missile Base or the missile on level 3 an extra life will be awarded.
Extra lives are gained on level 8, 12, 16 and every 4th level on.
Points do not make prizes in Lunar Jetman. So no matter how big that score is at the end of the game it`ll mean diddly squat. It`s the amount of Alien Missile Bases that you`ve destroyed that makes the grade.
Points do not gain extra lives. Yup, points do not gain extra lives.
The Quick Way
There is no quick way to gain extra lives. (Unless you`re a cheat and POKE some infinate lives... you loser!)
The Lunar Rover  

An Overview
The Lunar Rover has room for 1(one) Jetman and an unlimited supply of bridging platforms and JetPac fuel.
There is room at the back of the Lunar Rover to hold 1(one) object that can be found scattered on the lunar landscape.
The Lunar Rover can safely protect Jetman from the aliens that roam the planet.
Entering and Exiting
Jetman can enter the Lunar Rover by walking or landing between the wheels and pressing Shift (Caps Shift). Jetman will dissapear and now have control of the Lunar Rover.
To exit the Lunar Rover, just press Caps again and Jetman will re-appear outside the Lunar Rover and exposed to the danger of the aliens.
Once Jetman has entered the Lunar Rover, he can control the movement. Thus he can trundle across the landscape at some speed - remember though, the Lunar Rover has to have enough space to slow down when the brakes are applied otherwise it could lead to some mishaps....
The Lunar Rover will immediatly stop if there is a hole directly infront. The Lunar Rover will not fall in the hole.
Bridging Plaforms / Filling Holes
The Lunar Rover holds an unlimitless supply of Bridging Platforms - these can be used to fill the holes in the ground.
To pick up a bridging platform just place Jetman between the wheels of the Lunar Rover and press Z (Ctrl) to pick one up, you can then walk or hover above the hole. When you`re ready, press Z again to release the Bridging Platform where it will drop into the hole. Repeat this process to fill up all those holes.
Jetman does not have to enter/exit the Lunar Rover to pick up a Bridging Platform.
Refueling The JetPac
As the JetPac that Jetman has strapped to his back can only contain a limited supply of fuel it must be replenished when empty.
Just place Jetman between the wheels of the Lunar Rover and the JetPac is automatically refueled and ready to use.
The Lunar Rover carries unlimited fuel.
Carrying An Item
There is room at the rear of the Lunar Rover to carry 1(one) item. All you have to do is pick the item up, fly up and them drop the item so that it lands on the rear of the Lunar Rover. If the item misses, then pick it back up and try again.
The rear of the Lunar Rover is magnetic, so the item cannot fall off or pinched by aliens.
Controling the Laser Gun
If Jetman has fitted the Laser Gun to the rear of the Lunar Rover then it can be controlled by the up and fire buttons. Ideal for clearing a few aliens out of the way before starting a mission.
Distress S.O.S Beacon Button
This button is situated on the dashboard of the Lunar Rover and can be used in times of extreme emergency.
It is an optional extra and does not come as standard.
Jetman has the standard edition of the Lunar Rover, hence no S.O.S button.
Using as a rig to pull the Trailer
There ain`t no trailer... there`s one on the instructions, but there ain`t no trailer, there ain`t no shower room, no pool table, no MaxPak hot choocy tea machine. The trailer was last seen in Roy Evans `Deals on Wheels` car lot.
I`ve looked in the graphics code in the game, there`s no trailer, there`s an unused 3 stage explosion, but there`s no trailer. It`s just you and the Lunar Rover. If you wanna POKE a trailer graphic in there then be my guest.
So.. to sum up.. there`s no trailer.

Defending the Lunar Rover

In a nutshell...
Destroy the Alien Missile Bases, destroy the missiles...

Destroying the Lunar Rover

Maniac Mode
There are 2(two) known ways of destroying the Luanr Rover - both of which will be your own fault.
In both cases, as soon as the Lunar Rover is destroyed it`ll be Game Over Jetman - you may have 5 lives left but you`ll have no Lunar Rover to play with, so you`ll have no refuel option, so the game will end. It seems harsh, but that`s life Jetman!

The Bomb  
Sonic Boom Boy
Jetman along with his trusty Jet Pac has the aid of a neverending supply of high explosive bombs. These are carried to the Alien Missile Base and gracfully dropped so that they help in the distruction of the base and it`s deadly missiles.
The Bomb is a weighty item, so Jetman should really transport the bomb on the back of the Lunar Rover towards the Alien Missile Base. However, Jetman has to lift the bomb towards the final stages of distruction - that`s where the Jet Pac comes into use.
While carrying the bomb with the Jet Pac, Jetman`s moverability will become sluggish, it`s a heavy bomb, so be prepared to do a lot of ducking and diving to avoid the aliens. Watch that fuel gauge!
Crater Maker
If the bomb is accidently dropped or Jetman is hit by an alien (while carrying the bomb) it will fall towards the planet surface and explode - thus creating a crater - not a good thing.
I want a new Bomb
A new bomb will regenerate next to the Lunar Rover.
The Teleport  
Jenna, Teleport Now!
How on Earth Jetman managed to squeeze two Teleport systems into the rocket, I don`t really know; but as they`re on the planet he`d better make good use of them.
Using them is a peice of piss... place Jetman into the Teleport booth (Mmmmm! Bouff!) press the enter object key (usually shift or Caps Shift) and Jetman will beam out of one booth and into the other. There`s no need to exit the Teleport booth because Jetman automatically does so.
Take Thy Teleport and Travel
Jetman can also carry a teleport system with the Jet Pac. Just place Jetman into the booth again (lucky `ol Bouff!) and press the pick up item key (Z or Ctrl) and Jetman can carry the Teleport to whereever he desires.
Teleports are weighty items, so watch that fuel gauge and be prepared for some slow moving.
The Important Bits
Transport items with the Teleport system.
Level 6 and up - place the Teleport on the back of the Lunar Rover.
Fun with Teleports
Carry them to the top of the screen, drop it and zip into the booth while it falls to the planet surface and teleport... great fun. Teleport while carrying one system using the other...
Danger with Teleports
Sometimes a new Alien Missile Base will appear slap bang onto of the Teleport which instantly kills Jetman. Bit of bugger and that never happend in Blake`s 7.
Aliens and Teleports
There are 2 aliens who love playing games with your Teleports... so, remember if an item is on the back of the Lunar Rover then it can only be half interfeared with.
Make good use of the aliens that can carry the Teleports - If the alien picks it up and drags it to a location that you want, then just shoot it and use it. Jetman won`t have used as much fuel either.
The Laser Gun  
Take That! Alien Scum!
Jetman can lift the Laser gun and place it on the back of his Lunar Rover where he can then enter the Lunar Rover for a spot of safe alien blasting.
By using the up and fire keys Jetman can take revenge on those traker aliens so that he can clear a path on exiting the Lunar Rover. The only pain is that the turret does not revolve, so Jetman must move the Lunar Rover to change the direction of fire.
Placement of the Laser Gun
The Laser Gun can be placed in either a forward or rear firing position when mounted on the Lunar Rover. It`s best place is to be left alone on the surface of the planet to gather space dust.
Aliens and the Laser Gun
The pesky magnetic aliens will also pinch your Laser Gun if you decide to leave it on the surface of the planet. It`s not much of a loss though, so let them get away with it.
Bridging Platform  
Burning Bridges
Does the planet that you`re trying to traverse suffer with potholes and bomb craters? If the answer is yes then rummage around in the back of your Lunar Rover and pull out an all purpose Bridging Platform.
The Lunar Rover carrys unlimited Bridging platforms, so you can keep on using them here, there and everywhere.
Bridging Platforms are weighty items, so watch that fuel gauge and be prepared for some slow moving.
Placement of Bridging Platforms
Drop the Bridging Platform where required and it`ll slowly fall and fill the gap very nicely indeed.
Aliens and Bridging Platforms
No problems what so ever...well, apart from losing a few lives in the process of filling a few craters, thus losing even more lives filling those holes.. you get the picture.
The Status Panel

  1. Player 1 / Player 2 Score
    Gives your current score. Remember points mean nothing in this game so don`t waste precious lives trying to kill unimportant aliens.

  2. Player 1 / Player 2 Life Display
    Shows just how many lives you have left. Pretty important.

  3. Player 1 / Player 2 Level Display
    The higher the level, the better you`re doing.

  4. Hi Score
    Yup, Jetman will be proud of the high score.

  5. Truck Locater
    Will display a flashing yellow arrow that shows the quickest route back to the Lunar Rover.
    If Jetman is driving the Lunar Rover then both arrows will flash.

  6. Fuel Gauge
    To find out how full or empty the Jet Pac is.

  7. Time Gauge
    The countdown before the missiles are launched. Use this time wisely.

  8. Alien Base Locater
    Will display a flashing yellow arrow that shows the quickest route to the Alien Missile Base.
    If the missile has already been launched then the arrow will flash white to show which side of the screen the missile will appear.
How Time Works

Like Clockwork
Lunar Jetman features a countdown gauge that launches the missiles after an ever decreasing time limit.
Every action requires the use of your precious time, from teleporting to regeneration. You will find that if Jetman is splattered that the aliens and missiles keep moving for a second or two... and while he is regenerating, the aliens and missiles are still moving. This can cause destruction of the Lunar Rover even when you may have thought that there was heaps of time left to destroy that missile.
Sod`s Law also plays into this equation by placing new Jetman on the opposite side from where the missile will appear, thus none of that quick jump stuff.
Beat The Clock
Admire the animation on a practice game.

Alien Missile Base  

Shoot It Up...
The Alien Missile Base
Jetman and his Lunar Rover will be instantly destroyed if any part of the Alien Missile Base is touched. No questions asked. No refunds given.

Decoy Missile  

The Decoy missile is the uppermost of the two missiles in the launcher. It is launched towards the Earth, but always explodes as it reaches the top of the screen.
Bonus Points
Jetman can gain 500 bonus points by shooting the Decoy missile before it explodes - this only takes 1 shot.


Shoot It Up...
The Lunar Rover bound missile is the deadly of the two missiles in the Launcher. This missile must be destroyed at all costs otherwise the Lunar Rover will be no more.
Locked on target
The missile has been programmed to take the shortest route towards the Lunar Rover. Once launched, it will cruise low to the ground, but out of reach of a empty Jet Pac. The final approach towards the Luanr Rover is displayed by the missile rising towards the top of the screen, leveling off for a couple of seconds, descending again, leveling off for one second then descending again to penetrate the armourless Lunar Rover.
It`s at this time the game is over. Oh well...

Destroying the Alien Missile Base

The Aim Of The Game
There are various methods of destroying the Alien Missile Base - some methods are more dangerous than others.
NOTE: It will be your own personal choice as to which method will be used to destroy the Alien Missile Base depending on the location/direction and distance of the Alien Missile Base, how much time is left and the number of shots required to destroy the missile.
The fate of the Lunar Rover and the existance of Earth lies in your hands and not the tipsters.

The Following diagrams and explainations are not to scale and can vary over distance, strategy, the current level and the aliens that are lurking around.

Racking up points / flash git mode
Although points mean diddly squat in Lunar Jetman, you can show-off and gain a few points while doing the bombing run. Do this at your own risk.
Ending The Game
The Quick Way
Apart from pulling the plug...
Destruction of the Lunar Rover via the missile or driving into the Alien Missile Base.
Jetman losing all his lives.
The Slow Way
There is no ending to this game.

Sad, but true
Unfortunatly, Ultimate didn`t write a proper ending to Lunar Jetman. There is no `Well Done, Jetman has saved the Earth. You have completed 99% of the game. Your next game will be Solar Jetman." at the end. It`s a real shame.
Once level 99 has been reached, the game continues, but the level counter and the shots required are fixed at 99. Extra lives can still be gained.
There is no trailer.
But only comical ones
Lunar Jetman is as far as I can see, bug free - there are some nice little treats if certain things happen at the same time.
Teleports, Warnings and Magnetic Aliens
If a magnetic alien picks up the Teleport and the missile launch warning appears, the aliens will dissapear leaving the Teleport suspended in mid air. It will fall upon the loss of a life or Teleportation. A rare find.
Lunar Rover goes boom
When the Lunar Rover is hit by the missile and flashing, it is still possible to grab a Bridging Platform and zip around the screen. Drop it and it`ll stay suspended in space but still moving with Jetman.

The Hints & Tips here are from my own gaming experience of Lunar Jetman.
Written and modified during 6th-10th April 2002 by Matthew Carrier.
Please do not reproduce without prior permission.
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