Underwurlde Loading Screen (Spectrum)
Underwurlde Game Screen (Spectrum) Underwurlde Game Screen (Spectrum) Underwurlde Game Screen (Spectrum) Underwurlde Game Screen (Spectrum)
Long dark paths have I travelled, through caverns
and hidden labyrinths, my path grows darker...
Deathly chill as I approach the "Well of Evil"...
forewarned by lost and lonely travellers of the forces
guarding the UNDERWURLDE.
I approach, fix my rope, and with a firm leap, swing
down into the depths of THE BLACK VOID.
The still air rushes past as I descend down into the
dark dank hollow, disturbing the dust, a debris of
long-since fought battles and struggles.
Silent fossilised creatures stir, emerging from
centuries of hibernation, awakened by my echoing
gropes and thuds. Their dormant evil, hungry from
ages past sparks itself into life.
Suddenly the whole cavern errupts into a scurrying
slithering shadowy grave of beating wings and
desperate gnashing jaws.
Winged Harpies soar and swoop down with beaks
wide and talons spread. Hungry monsters and reptiles
desperate not to lose their first meal in eons, batter
and punish me until I can take no more, waiting for
me to fail.
All about are strange sparkling plants "Sirens of the Underwurlde", waving their poisonous gnashing deadly tendrils, beckoning to their vision of hideous ugliness. To touch their sticky putrid foliage would mean certain death.
The old travellers words still singing in my head.
In the distance the low rumbling of UNDERWURLDE
volcanos can be heard. Huge plumes of poisionous
sulphurous devilish gases roll along the caver roofs.
As the enormous bubbles of inert plasma ascends the
natural chimney stack causeways, eroded and forged
from centuries of ancient fires and flames.
My journey has only just begun. I must travel on
through this deadly labyrinth of the UNDERWURLDE
to find the ULTIMATE place of darkness, in which
lies the way to my escape.
Sabre Wulf |
KnightLore |