The Beatles

Lynyrd Skynyrd

The Who

Simon and Garfunkel

Elton John

I'm not a hippie in the traditional sense, but the 60's and 70's just flat out had better music than most of the commercialized bubblegum that keeps getting picked off the floor, repackaged, and sold to fools who just don't know better. I'm not dissing all "modern" bands...some are quite good actually (ie. Nirvana, Fiona Apple,etc....) but I think that all good music had to get it's influence from somewhere and one thing I know for wasn't from Britney Aguilara or whatever her name is. It was from the greats of rockin' roll. The classics.Here are a few links to my personal favorite bands of the vintage persuasion, but my no means the absolute end of great bands from that era. I only have sooo much time, you check it out cats and daddios, hope that you can enjoy your life and "Let the Sunshine In!"
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