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~ Someone's at the Door ~
       Knock Knock!!! Knock Knock!!! It's Saturday morning and someone's at the door. You're half asleep because you just woke up 15 minutes ago. You answer the door and there stands two younger gentlemen with black ties, white shirts and neatly pressed pants. They are well groomed and have a pleasant smile and an inviting presence. Upon opening the door they immediately extend a hearty hello and ask you if you realized that there was another testament about Jesus Christ that would guide you into true happiness? You say no, with a questioning look on your face. They respond by handing you a book titled the Book of Mormon as well as some basic literature about peace and happiness. They then proceed to share with you that they are from the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, "just like the commercials" one of them includes. They look for a response as you muster up a quick question or two. You ask, "Are you Christians?" You follow up with "do you believe in Jesus?" They answer confidently yes to both questions, and then ask if they can come inside. You politely decline and they ask if there was another time to talk. You tell them to come back two weeks from today, and they agree as they shake your hand to leave.
          Now you are really curious. You have always believed yourself to be a good Christian but not a "Latter Day Saint". What's the big difference? Are they the same as you? Where did Mormonism originate and what are it's roots? When they say words like Christian, God and Jesus do they mean the same thing? You're an intelligent person and decide to search this faith out by it's roots. You pick up the phone and call your teacher who loans you a copy of biography that was written by a man who lived and traveled with the Mormons from the very beginning of their church and doctrine. It is your task to read sections of this biography and formulate a clear idea about the origins of these young men who came to your door before you meet again. Your time is limited. So learn as much as you can before they come back.
Click the Book Button to find out what you will learn and be required to accomplish