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 We look forward to an incredible retreat this year where God is worshipped through fun, relationships, and the teaching of His word. 
 A word about the Masquerade Feast. There seems to be some confusion about what students are to be prepared for. This dinner will be more like a renaissance feast and less like Halloween. The most important part is the mask. We have told the students that if they want to dress up completely including a mask, they could do so. We are completely discouraging any scary masks (costumes) or masks that in any way promote horror, or anything fearful. Many students may just want to have a good mask and dress up in a dress shirt, pants, or dress. If the students have any questions about whether or not something is appropriate, they may ask a teacher or myself so that they will not be asked to remove it once they are at the retreat. Please do not spend exorbitant amounts of money on renting costumes. Something simple with some added on streamers, glitter, paint, or other craft like items will be sufficient. 
 As you know the theme for this year is MARKED (Matthew 5:16). The theme of the retreat follows suit. Therefore, this special masquerade feast dinner will be a fun and more dressed-up atmosphere where students attempt to figure out who certain people are based on their actions and not appearance. We will be doing a few games to facilitate this. 
 I apologize for any misunderstanding. Please pray that God will do amazing things in the hearts and minds of the students at the retreat. Thank you.

Aaron Thomas
Bible Teacher